Question about OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1


A lot of features of OpenGL 3 was already available in OpenGL 2 (in core or using extension).

  1. Is the new OpenGL 3 Redering context just a way to break compatibility with deprecated functions ?

  2. Will all future new OpenGL extension recquires the new rendering context ?

  3. If i write a program which use functions available in OpenGL 2 AND OpenGL 3, is there an advantage of using the OpenGL 3 rendering context ? Could it be faster/slower (different drivers ? ) ?


  1. Unfortunately no, because of GL_ARB_compatibility

  2. Probably, the brand new bindless extensions are the first ones written against OpenGL 3

  3. No or not yet at least.


Is there a way to be sure to use only OpenGL 3 functions ?
i can use “Ctrl+Shift+f” for each deprecated functions listed in the OpenGL 3.1 spec but how can i be sure i have not forgotten one of them in my program ?

Well, the supposed good way to do that, which is suggested in the spec, would be to use the new headers GL3/gl.h GL3/glext.h, but they are not out yet :frowning:

Ok. I think i will have to do my own gl.h if i don’t want to wait until 2050 :slight_smile:

I’m also waiting a openGl 3.x reference page.
This one is getting older and older. :frowning:
At oGL3 the presentation (Ago 2008) was on the to-do list.

A draft for gl3.h is now available :