Question: 2D ray tracing in OpenGL...pls help!!

Dear all,

I have an algorithm for 2D ray tracing but I don’t know how to convert them into codes:-

color Ray(point S, vector D, int depth)
point I; /* intersection point /
vector R; /
reflected direction /
vector T; /
transmitted direction /
color Lc; /
local illumination /
color Rc; /
reflected color /
color Tc; /
transmitted color /
color Ac; /
accumulated color */

if (depth > MAXDEPTH) {
Ac := BLACK;
{ I := nerestIntersectionPoint (S,D);
if (noIntersection(I)) {
Ac := BLACK;
} else {
Lc := LocalIllumination (I);
R := ReflectedDirection (I,D);
Rc := Ray (I,R,depth+1);
T := TransmittedDirection (I,D);
Tc := Ray (I,T, depth+1);
Ac := Combine (Lc, Rc, Tc);
} return Ac; }

You want to convert that code? To what language?

Into C++~~

Originally posted by Bob:
You want to convert that code? To what language?