Problem with Vulkan spec PDF version 1.2.178


if I search for “Vulkan spec PDF”, I find this link:
There seems to be something wrong with that PDF. It is full of unresolved anchors, for example

pNext is NULL or a pointer to a structure extending this structure. :anchor-prefix: extension-

[[{anchor-prefix}limits-subgroup-size]] subgroupSize is the default number of invocations in
each subgroup. subgroupSize is at least 1 if any of the physical device’s queues support
VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT. subgroupSize is a power-of-two.

I’m sure that’s not correct.
Sry I didn’t know where else to drop this.

best regards

For what it’s worth, it’s best to file these as bug reports.

Thanks, I will do so.
best regards,

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