Problem with return in shader

I have a small fragment program and I want to implement clipping.

if I use the following :

void clipRect(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1, out vec2 e0c, out vec2 e1c)
	e0c	= vec2(1.0, 1.0);
	e1c	= vec2(1.0, 1.0);

	bool bp0Accept	= false;
	bool bp1Accept	= false;
	bool earlyReturn= false;

	if(x0 >= -1.0 && x0 <= 1.0 && y0 >= -1.0 && y0 <= 1.0)
		bp0Accept = true;
	if(x1 >= -1.0 && x1 <= 1.0 && y1 >= -1.0 && y1 <= 1.0)
		bp1Accept = true;

	return ;

everything works fine. But if I insert a return statement before that, the fragment program does not work right.

void clipRect(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1, out vec2 e0c, out vec2 e1c)
	e0c	= vec2(1.0, 1.0);
	e1c	= vec2(1.0, 1.0);

	bool bp0Accept	= false;
	bool bp1Accept	= false;
	bool earlyReturn= false;

	if(x0 >= -1.0 && x0 <= 1.0 && y0 >= -1.0 && y0 <= 1.0)
		bp0Accept = true;
	if(x1 >= -1.0 && x1 <= 1.0 && y1 >= -1.0 && y1 <= 1.0)
		bp1Accept = true;

	if(bp0Accept == true && bp1Accept == true)
		e0c		= vec2(x0, y0);
		e1c		= vec2(x1, y1);
		return ; //this return causes a problem

	e0c	= vec2(0.0, 0.0);
	e1c	= vec2(0.0, 0.0);

	return ;

I have left the rest of the shader out, since it seems to work.
Does anyone have some ideas what i did wrong or what might cause the problem here. I have the latest official drivers and a geforce 6600gt.

See this thread.

Sounds like nvidia has a driver bug. But you can probably work around it by doing like this instead:

if(bp0Accept == true && bp1Accept == true){
	e0c = vec2(x0, y0);
	e1c = vec2(x1, y1);
} else {
	e0c = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
	e1c = vec2(0.0, 0.0);

this is just a short fragment out of a some more lines of code so this else won’t do it (I left the rest out). I probably have to assign some variable indicating what to do :frowning:

I’d just put the rest of the code into another function

if(bp0Accept == true && bp1Accept == true)
		e0c		= vec2(x0, y0);
		e1c		= vec2(x1, y1);

In my experience, ‘if’ statements usually aren’t great for performance. If this is an issue, it might be faster if you do something like this;

    vec4 input = vec4( x0, y0, x1, y1 );
    if( dot(step( -1.0, input ), step( input, 1.0 )) == 4 )
 	e0c		= vec2(x0, y0);
	e1c		= vec2(x1, y1);

Of course, readability suffers.


this will be a problem since there are more than one if in my function, I would have to write several somefunction() functions :slight_smile: . I will see what I can do…

thanks for your replies

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