Problem of Recurring function

I got the stop message of Microsoft Windows once looping with the recurring function loop as below:

void xTimer(void)
if (xxx==1|yyy==1){
else xTimer();

Please advise if anything is wrong. Tks

Yes, here is what is wrong : this has nothing to do with OpenGL.

What about learning about “while loop in C” thanks to any search engine ?

xxx==1 || yyy==1

It seems the problem doesn’t fixed, even “||” is used. For more info, see part of my problem:

GLint xxx=0,yyy=0;

void SpecialKeys(int key, int x, int y)
if(key == GLUT_KEY_UP|key==GLUT_KEY_F1)

if(key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN|key==GLUT_KEY_F2)


void xTimer(void)
if (xxx==1||yyy==1){
else xTimer();

Please advise any comment. Tks.

Your problem seems to be one of not understanding basic programming concepts, not OpenGL.

Your recursive function has no terminating case.