Problem checking surface support

Hello y’all I’m new to this forum.
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR always comes back with VK_FALSE on all queue family index on the one physical device (a gtx 1070) that I have. I am supplying a valid surface created from vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR. What could I be missing?

Hello there,

does your code look something like this?

bool AvailabilityChecksManager::has_presentation(const VkPhysicalDevice &graphics_card, const VkSurfaceKHR &surface) {

    VkBool32 presentation_available = false;

    // Query if presentation is supported.
    if (vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(graphics_card, 0, surface, &presentation_available) != VK_SUCCESS) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error: vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR failed!");

    return presentation_available;

Maybe this helps you

best regards

Yes, exactly so. I’ve checked that all the arguments have valid values. Does it have anything to do with the layers used at instance creation?

oh yes, definitely: You must pass the following instance layers on Windows if you’re using glfw:
VK_KHR_surface and VK_KHR_win32_surface.

The constructor of my instance wrapper class looks like this:

Instance::Instance(const std::string &application_name, const std::string &engine_name,
                   const std::uint32_t application_version, const std::uint32_t engine_version,
                   const std::uint32_t vulkan_api_version, bool enable_validation_layers,
                   bool enable_renderdoc_instance_layer, std::vector<std::string> requested_instance_extensions,
                   std::vector<std::string> requested_instance_layers) {

    // In Vulkan API we can use VK_MAKE_VERSION() macro to create an std::uint32_t value from major, minor and patch
    // number.

    spdlog::debug("Initialising Vulkan instance.");
    spdlog::debug("Application name: '{}'", application_name);
    spdlog::debug("Application version: {}.{}.{}", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(application_version),
                  VK_VERSION_MINOR(application_version), VK_VERSION_PATCH(application_version));
    spdlog::debug("Engine name: '{}'", engine_name);
    spdlog::debug("Engine version: {}.{}.{}", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(engine_version), VK_VERSION_MINOR(engine_version),
    spdlog::debug("Requested Vulkan API version: {}.{}.{}", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(vulkan_api_version),
                  VK_VERSION_MINOR(vulkan_api_version), VK_VERSION_PATCH(vulkan_api_version));

    auto app_info = make_info<VkApplicationInfo>();
    app_info.pApplicationName = application_name.c_str();
    app_info.applicationVersion = application_version;
    app_info.pEngineName = engine_name.c_str();
    app_info.engineVersion = engine_version;
    app_info.apiVersion = vulkan_api_version;

    std::vector<const char *> instance_extension_wishlist = {
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // In debug mode, we use the following instance extensions:
        // This one is for assigning internal names to Vulkan resources.
        // This one is for setting up a Vulkan debug report callback function.

    std::uint32_t glfw_extension_count = 0;

    // Because this requires some dynamic libraries to be loaded, this may take even up to some seconds!
    auto *glfw_extensions = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&glfw_extension_count);

    if (glfw_extension_count == 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "Error: glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions results 0 as number of required instance extensions!");

    spdlog::debug("Required GLFW instance extensions:");

    // Add all instance extensions which are required by GLFW to our wishlist.
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < glfw_extension_count; i++) {

    // We have to check which instance extensions of our wishlist are available on the current system!
    // Add requested instance extensions to wishlist.
    for (const auto &requested_instance_extension : requested_instance_extensions) {

    std::vector<const char *> enabled_instance_extensions{};

    // We are not checking for duplicated entries but this is no problem.
    for (const auto &instance_extension : instance_extension_wishlist) {
        if (m_availability_checks.has_instance_extension(instance_extension)) {
            spdlog::debug("Adding '{}' to list of enabled instance extensions.", instance_extension);
        } else {
            spdlog::error("Requested instance extension '{}' is not available on this system!", instance_extension);

    std::vector<const char *> instance_layers_wishlist{};

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // RenderDoc is a very useful open source graphics debugger for Vulkan and other APIs.
    // Not using it all the time during development is fine, but as soon as something crashes
    // you should enable it, take a snapshot and look up what's wrong.
    if (enable_renderdoc_instance_layer) {

    // We can't stress enough how important it is to use validation layers during development!
    // Validation layers in Vulkan are in-depth error checks for the application's use of the API.
    // They check for a multitude of possible errors. They can be disabled easily for releases.
    // Understand that in contrary to other APIs, in Vulkan API the driver provides no error checks
    // for you! If you use Vulkan API incorrectly, your application will likely just crash.
    // To avoid this, you must use validation layers during development!
    if (enable_validation_layers) {
        spdlog::debug("Vulkan validation layers are enabled.");
        spdlog::debug("Adding 'VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation' to instance extension wishlist.");
    } else {
        spdlog::warn("Vulkan validation layers are not enabled although debug configuration is selected!");
        spdlog::warn("You must always use validation layers during development if you are serious about writing stable "
        spdlog::warn("Without them, most bugs are literally impossible to find.");
        spdlog::warn("Even worse, your software might work on your machine but does crash on other systems!");

    // Add requested instance layers to wishlist.
    for (const auto &instance_layer : requested_instance_layers) {

    std::vector<const char *> enabled_instance_layers{};

    // We have to check which instance layers of our wishlist are available on the current system!
    // We are not checking for duplicated entries but this is no problem.
    for (const auto &current_layer : instance_layers_wishlist) {
        if (m_availability_checks.has_instance_layer(current_layer)) {
            spdlog::debug("Adding '{}' to list of enabled instance layers.", current_layer);
        } else {
#ifdef NDEBUG
            if (std::string(current_layer) == VK_EXT_DEBUG_MARKER_EXTENSION_NAME) {
                spdlog::error("You can't use command line argument -renderdoc in release mode.");
            spdlog::error("Requested instance layer '{}' is not available on this system!", current_layer);

    auto instance_ci = make_info<VkInstanceCreateInfo>();
    instance_ci.pApplicationInfo = &app_info;
    instance_ci.ppEnabledExtensionNames =;
    instance_ci.enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(enabled_instance_extensions.size());
    instance_ci.ppEnabledLayerNames =;
    instance_ci.enabledLayerCount = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(enabled_instance_layers.size());

    if (vkCreateInstance(&instance_ci, nullptr, &m_instance) != VK_SUCCESS) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error: vkCreateInstance failed!");

    spdlog::debug("Created Vulkan instance successfully.");

By calling glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions you get the requested instance extensions from glfw.

best regards,

This worked, Thank you Johannes. I’d removed the surface extensions from the instance creation part. The only confusion I have now is which extensions go to Instance and which to device? Is there a general rule for this do you know?
Thanks for your help buddy.

Hey there,
nice it worked!
I can’t remember either which stuff goes into which function.
It’s something you should look up as you need it in the official spec:

best regards,

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