im a bit confused on the parameters for positioning the light source…most of the stuff ive read says light position is defined by a vector…
so i have a terrian from z=-1600 to 800 and y=0 to 700 and x=-400 to 400
if i want to give a sun like lighting effect i position my light at x=0,y=1000,z=-1700 … but it doesn’t seem to work
also any general tips on lighting for terrian would be helpful
It’s a 4D vector. If w=1, then it’s a positional light source. If w=0, it’s a directional light source. Read this: OpenGL Programming Guide: Chapter 5 (Lighting)
If you’re new to lighting, start with a directional light source. Fewer parameters to set up and thus fewer ways to get confused.
if i want to give a sun like lighting effect i position my light at x=0,y=1000,z=-1700 … but it doesn’t seem to work
Let’s see your code, and possibly a screen shot.
One thing that often trips folks ups is they don’t know (or forget) that with the fixed-function pipeline, the light source position is transformed by the MODELVIEW when you set the light source position to determine where it is in eye space.
For more lighting help/tips, see: