Point in Triangle?

Well, my problem is the following:
I have a point p(x|y) and three points a,b,c forming a triangle. How can I check, if the point p is in the triangle??
Maybe someone has a good, working function?
Please help!

Here’s a link.

“Polygon Detection”

It’s works !

Yeah !!!

I have exactly what u need …

// Determine if a two dimensional point lies within the confines of a given
// two dimensional triangle.
// From Dr. Dobbs Journal, October, 2000

bool IsPointInsideFace(
double pX,
double pY,
double v0x,
double v0y,
double v1x,
double v1y,
double v2x,
double v2y
double x0, x1, x2, y1, u, v, denom;
x1 = v1x - v0x;

if ( x1 == 0.0 )

// Triangle points 0 and 1 have the same X value

    // Zero area test - can be removed if triangle is known to be valid
  x2 = v2x - v0x;
    if ( ( x2 == 0.0 ) | |

        // Compute u and check bounds
        ( ( u = (pX - v0x) / x2 ) < 0.0 ) &#0124; &#0124;
        ( u > 1.0 ) &#0124; &#0124;

        // Zero area test - remove if known to be valid
        ( ( y1 = v1y - v0y ) == 0.0 ) &#0124; &#0124;

        // Compute v and check bounds
        ( ( v = ( (pY - v0y) - u *
            ( v2y - v0y ) ) / y1 ) < 0.0 ) )

            // Missed for some reason
            return false;


// Triangle points 0 and 1 have a different X value
// Compute denom and check for zero area triangle - check
// is not needed if triangle known to be valid.
x2 = v2x - v0x;
y1 = v1y - v0y;
denom = ( v2y - v0y ) * x1 - x2 * y1;
if ( ( denom == 0.0 ) | |

        // Compute u and check bounds
        ( ( u = ( (pY - v0y) * x1 - (x0 = pX - v0x) * y1 ) / denom ) < 0.0 ) &#0124; &#0124;
        ( u > 1.0 ) &#0124; &#0124;

        // Compute v & check bounds
        ( ( v = ( x0 - u * x2 ) / x1 ) < 0.0 ) )

            // Missed for some reason
            return false;

// Check gamma
if ( u + v > 1.0 )

// Outside third edge
return false;

return true;


I have a simple method :
TEST the point P is in triangle ABC or not
add the area of PAB,PBC,PCA ,if the total is equal to the area of ABC ,then we know the point P is in the triangle ,otherwise is out.

Sure, but benchmark it against the above algorithm and I am willing to bet that it looses in terms of raw performance. If you get a chance to do so please post the results here … thx