OpenXR error: Extension not present

Hi. When trying to enable XR_EXT_EYE_GAZE_INTERACTION_EXTENSION_NAME, xrCreateInstance fails. I’m using Meta Quest Pro, on which I enabled all settings related to Eye tracking, both in the headset, as well as the Meta Quest Link and I’m using the Meta Quest Runtime as well. I’m posting a sample piece of code, which is simplified for debugging sake:


// Create the instance with enabled extensions.
XrInstanceCreateInfo createInfo{ XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO };
createInfo.enabledExtensionCount = (uint32_t)enabledExtensions.size();
createInfo.enabledExtensionNames =;

createInfo.applicationInfo = { "SampleSample", 1, "", 1, XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION };
strcpy_s(createInfo.applicationInfo.applicationName, applicationName.c_str());
if(!CHECK_XRCMD(xrCreateInstance(&createInfo, &instance))) {
	if (!silenceErrors)
		app_logError("Failed to create an OpenXR Instance.");
	return false;
return true;

This results in XR_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT. Why could that be?
Note: Only the XR_EXT_EYE_GAZE_INTERACTION_EXTENSION_NAME causes this, I’m using depth and D3D12 successfully.

Going purely off of OpenXR Inventory the Quest Pro does not support KHR_D3D12_ENABLE (see here), only the simulator runtime has this extension (see here). The simulator, however, does not support EXT_EYE_GAZE_INTERACTION.

Note that EXT_EYE_GAZE_INTERACTION only works on programs running directly on the headset. See the extension support for Meta (PC) and Meta (PC) Developer Mode in the above links for extensions that are supported when using Quest Link.

Edit: SteamVR also added support for using EXT_EYE_GAZE_INTERACTION in PC applications in a very recent beta version. To use it, you would have to connect the headset wirelessly with Steam Link instead of Quest Link.

Thank you fellas. Today I learned something new.

Developing for VR headsets could sometimes be really frustrating. ;(