OpenGL Probs

  1. OpenGL does not work @ all on my system with games.
  2. @ 1 point they did…D3D works fine.
  3. My Box is composed of this:
    Intel Pentium III 500
    128 MB PC-100
    Creative GeForce Annihilator 32MB
    Pioneer 10x DVD IDE Slot Load
    Plextor 8x/4x/32x CDRW IDE
    Maxtor 20.4 GB 7200RPM UDMA/66
    Diamond SupraMax 56k v.90 PCI
    Sound Blaster Live Platinum PCI
    SOYO 6BA+IV BX Motherboard
    Viewsonic 19" GS790
    SureCom 10/100 NIC PCI
    Generic SCSI Card ISA
    Windows 98 SE
  4. Quake III Gives me this response:
    ----- FS_Startup -----
    Current search path:
    C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\pak2.pk3 (29 files)
    C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\pak0.pk3 (3539 files)
    C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena/baseq3

execing default.cfg
execing q3config.cfg
couldn’t exec autoexec.cfg
…detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput…
Couldn’t set DI coop level
Falling back to Win32 mouse support…
Joystick is not active.

----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----

----- Client Initialization Complete -----
— Common Initialization Complete —
Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:27960
Hostname: capacity
Working directory: C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
…initializing QGL
…calling LoadLibrary( ‘C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\opengl32.dll’ ): succeeded
…setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
…using desktop display depth of 16
…calling CDS: ok
…registered window class
…created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
…getting DC: succeeded
…GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
…23 PFDs found
…GLW_ChoosePFD failed
…GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
…23 PFDs found
…GLW_ChoosePFD failed
…failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT
…restoring display settings
…WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
…setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
…using colorsbits of 16
…calling CDS: ok
…created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
…getting DC: succeeded
…GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
…23 PFDs found
…GLW_ChoosePFD failed
…GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
…23 PFDs found
…GLW_ChoosePFD failed
…failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT
…restoring display settings
…WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
…shutting down QGL
…unloading OpenGL DLL
…assuming ‘3dfxvgl’ is a standalone driver
…initializing QGL
…WARNING: missing Glide installation, assuming no 3Dfx available
…shutting down QGL
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )

GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem

This is the error I get. The game kicks me out & I am using Nvidia’s
Drivers & I have also used the latest GLsetup.
5.Soldier Of Fortune Demo kicks me out before I get started too.
& Halflife says the drivers for open gl do not exist. Display Device says NVIDIA GeForce 256. And nvopengl.dll is in my system
folder. Been getting a serious run around From the “Pros”. Hopefully you can
enlighten my situation.The person who solves this will be rewarded.

I am using Geforce card, and compatibility is better than D3D. D3D games usually have troubles after upgrade to newer DirectX, but my all opengl games/softwares work regardless of DirectX versions.

If compatibility exists, most problem comes from hardware vender specific driver problems.

As for your problem, it is possible that OpenGL driver has not been installed correctly. I would suggest:

Try to uninstall the current driver and install Nvidia driver again.
If it does not work, please install Creative Lab 's driver. (This always worked for me) If still not working, please contact Creative Lab that is responsible for your problem.


This has already been done to no avail.
But I thank you for your response.

I have EXACTLY this same problem on my
system. Kept me up all last night.

Like MaX I have a GeForce
(LeadTek WinFast)which is
probably the source of the problem… right?

Other than that:
win98 directx 7
blah blah blah… I don’t think it lies
in the other hardware.

The only thing I can think of is somehow
the OpenGL ICD hasn’t been installed
right by the installer software… I
have no idea how the intracacies
work but nvOpenGl.dll is there in
windows/system it just isn’t being used.

Seems to me more of us with the same problem every day & yet still no one with a resolve.
I think that the problem may be in the registry…no sure.

I got a short reply from Leadtek technical support asking for more info, which means at least they’re not all dead or swamped (the reply was pretty prompt). I wrote back a pretty comprehensive message with everything I know and included the Quake3 output from above (I got it too but have since uninstalled the demo). Hopefully the people at Leadtek will get back and solve our problems.

I did the same with Creative too. Should be interesting to see what the prob is.

Try this:

1.Click Start / Run.

2.Type “win.ini” (without quotes) and press OK.

3.Search for a line that says “DVA=0” (without quotes).

4.Add a semicolon ( before the DVA (The line should now look like this: “;DVA=0” (without quotes))

5.Save and close the file

It works now !

See my post titled “OpenGL Unsupported Message”.

Thanks !

Originally posted by MaX:
1. OpenGL does not work @ all on my system with games.
2. @ 1 point they did…D3D works fine.
3. My Box is composed of this:
Intel Pentium III 500
128 MB PC-100
Creative GeForce Annihilator 32MB
Pioneer 10x DVD IDE Slot Load
Plextor 8x/4x/32x CDRW IDE
Maxtor 20.4 GB 7200RPM UDMA/66
Diamond SupraMax 56k v.90 PCI
Sound Blaster Live Platinum PCI
SOYO 6BA+IV BX Motherboard
Viewsonic 19" GS790
SureCom 10/100 NIC PCI
Generic SCSI Card ISA
Windows 98 SE
4. Quake III Gives me this response:
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\pak2.pk3 (29 files)
C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\pak0.pk3 (3539 files)
C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena/baseq3

I have the same prob… it ran fine with my 3DFX video set up prior… since I installed my Annihilator Pro I get the same msg as above. I didnt use 5.08… but used 3.68…and CL’s latest … no go… my mb is an Abit BH6 w/C400.

My win.ini doesn’t have dva=0 or =1 or anything. Where does it belong?