nVidia OpenGL driver bug

Back to the original topic …

I have Win98/GeForce2 at home and WinNT4/GeForce2 at work. Every day I take my work code home and compile/run it at home. I get the same problems with WinNT at work but not on Win98 at home … serious performace issues …

I found a perfectly working solution… I have to re-install my GeForce2 driver on my WinNT box each morning at work. Sometimes I have to re-install it several times a day. What a joke…

The Win98 box? notta prob at all…

Thinking seriously about going to W2K at work now…

I found something strange with my Gefroce2, I use driver 6.31 and when I use evaluators, GL_FRONT and GL_BACK are inverted for back face culling. I mean, when I use glCullFace (GL_BACK) glFrontFace (GL_CCW), only front face is culled and no light is applied to the back face … I took the code directly from the red book. (example 12-2 and 12-3)

Hmmm, on the evaluators, I think I know what the problem is, and it actually looks like the same bug exists in the SI, so I’m guessing that there are many OpenGL drivers that have the same bug. In fact, the SI implementation does not comply with the OpenGL spec. (!)

  • Matt