Mouse flickering

My mouse cursor flickers in my OpenGL program.
When I don’t call SwapBuffers(…) it doesn’t flickers anymore (but the buffers do not swap…).
What is the problem?

I think the shadow from the mouse cursor in Windows 2000 can cause some problems. Dunno if it’s something like this though, cause I have never experienced it. Try turn it off, if you use Win2k that is.

I am using win 98

Have you got code in your mouse move event? Maybe you do a redraw there?

No Invalidate()
No Massage Handeling except WM_CLOSE and WM_SIZE.

Yes, i had a very similar problem

what i did was in the drawing code

just before glFlush(); use [ccode]::ShowCursor(False);[/ccode] and after it turned it on with[ccode] ::ShowCursor(True);[/ccode]

hope that helps

Thanks Fox, but this wasn’t the problem.
I changed my cursor type from 3D to regular and it sloved the problem…