MinGW OpenGL?

I’m trying out the MinGW UNIX-like environment for Windows and I want to compile UNIX OpenGL programs. I have the MinGW environment working in general. gcc --version reports 3.4.2 from a Command Prompt window or an MSYS window.

How to I tell gcc (or maybe somebody’s configure script) to link against the OpenGL DLL already installed under Windows? Or is there a better way?

It finds gl.h, glext.h, etc., I just don’t know how to link with opengl32.dll or whatever.


Hi, to link OpenGL features with MinGW compiler you must use the following argument in your cmd prompt
-lopengl -lglu -glut…

hope that helps

thanks, I’m trying that now

In general can you link with a normal Windows DLL such as lib.dll by simply doing a -llib option?

My OpenGL program works under MinGW and Windows XP with the -lopengl32 and -lglu32 options to gcc. Thanks.

Apparently libopengl32.a (included with MinGW) knows to use the windows opengl32.dll library. Come to think of it I may have read about DLL’s normally working that way, but it’s been awhile.

I’m happy to not need a proprietary compiler for my OpenGL project!!! MinGW/MSYS is nice too.

In general can you link with a normal Windows DLL such as lib.dll by simply doing a -llib option?
I think yes, but I’m not a GCC user so if I’m in the wrong way, other can correct…

I’m happy to not need a proprietary compiler for my OpenGL project!!! MinGW/MSYS is nice too
First step into the path of freedom :-?

First time getting my win32 projects to build with gcc instead of Some Other compiler. I’m mainly a UNIX/Linux C++ progammer so I prefer gcc.

Thank you for the help.

It was very satisfying yesterday when I ran my program from a “UNIX” (MinGW) prompt for the first time and saw my 3D graphics pop up as a reward.

Glad to help you :slight_smile:

I’m using Dev-C++ (which uses gcc as compiler) and it works great!
the only linking option I give is -lopengl32
and it works. I think it calls opengl.dll, because executables are very little :smiley:

I’m using minGW. I’m trying and compile the examples from the red-book, but I have problems with “glutSolidSphere()”: it doesn’t exist in glu.h nor in glext.h!
In the include/GL directory there are only gl.h, glu.h and glext.h: any clue? :frowning:

The glut library is not free source software and thus would not be included in MinGW.

However, I’ve heard of a free source rewrite of glut called freeglut and/or OpenGLUT:


I’ve never tried it so please reply if you try it and it works for you.

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