I’ve released a new version of my platform independent GLSL IDE.

OpenGL 2.0 is required (GLSL, VBOs and FBOs have to be supported)


It’s important to read the (first) tutorials:
That describes how the script language could be used for setting up the rendering parameters. There are some examples file included:

gears.lum -> simple example that should run on every GPU

shadow2.lum -> 8 lightsources with dual parabolic shadows. Didn’t run on ATI cards…

deferred.lum -> basic setup for deferred rendering. Didn’t run on ATI cards too…

brdf.lum -> simple BRDF example (needs 2 factorized BRDF textures)

Some feed back would be nice.

I’ve released a new version.
New features:

Code cleanup
Point sprites
Texture object improvements (Linear filter bugfix and new functions to set the clamp modes)


I’ve released a new source version. The windows version will follow in a short time.

New features:

Blenderexporter that creates Lumina files.
Print to texture. (for text rendering shader)
Particle systems with vertexshader texture lookup.
Copy Texture to VBO (untested)
Pointsprites API simplified
Drag&drop tree restructuring.

I’ve add also some new tutorials.

New version is out.
Lumina-0.2.0 supports bonesystems. An armature object calculates the CPU side stuff, that can be passed to the Vertexshader as quaternion+joint or matrix array.

I’ve released a new source code version…
now the lum files can store textures (without format limits, except for depthcomponents and RGBA2)

New Version:

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