Liaison between Khronos and Open Geospatial Consortium 3D Tiles Standard on glTF

To jointly advance accessibility of 3D geospatial content, The Khronos®Group recently formalized a liaison with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). One of the first victories of this collaboration between the computer graphics and geospatial communities is a new OGC Community Standard addressing massive scale 3D pioneered by longtime Khronos contributors, the Cesium team.
The OGC just adopted 3D Tiles as a Community Standard for streaming and rendering massive 3D content, like photogrammetry, 3D buildings, BIM/CAD, instanced features, and point clouds. The open format builds on glTF™, citing it as a normative reference for its runtime efficiency, interoperability, and strong software ecosystem.

Check out the Khronos blog for all the details. Let us know what you think.

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