i am thinking of new affordable<as it all know which must be> Laptop
i think of intel’s
96x(x =3 etc)
will they able to perform shading language<i’m not at that point but still wants>
i need some thing else
<i can’t work with 256MB ram and 1.29 GHZ it slow on Suse please suggest minimum version of OpenGL for Shadin language and recommended version not the latest as it will meaningless for me>
You should look out for graphic cards that can support shaders.
Start with opengl 2.1
<i can’t work with 256MB ram and 1.29 GHZ it slow on Suse please suggest minimum version of OpenGL for Shadin language and recommended version not the latest as it will meaningless for me>
Shader language support is not dependent on processor speed but on its capability to support it. Instad of CPU look out for graphic cards that support shader.
Higher version shader is recommended.
Start from shader 3.0 as first step or if you have opengl 3 or 3+, shader 1.5.1 is the latest.
Hello im newbie in opengl. I’ll buy a PC to work in opengl and I want to ask for advice what to look for when Im buying it? I.e. which video cards, processors, and their characteristics are more suitable and compatible with opengl? Thamks in advance
Anything with an nVidia gpu that is GF8x00+ . Processor, RAM, etc are not of any importance to compatibility.
A GF8800 (<$90), GF9800 or ultimately a GTX260. You can also get a cheaper gpu, it’ll limit you only if you draw huge complex scenes with complex effects, at a big resolution.
If you prefer ATi’s cards, get any HD4xxx . You will meet a lot of tutorials on OpenGL online, that crash or not work correctly with an ATi card and just frustrate you.
Anything with a nvidia 9400 or better will do. For ati, try to find something with a 3450 or better. Both are slow cards but they are good enough to develop on. If you care about speed, the 9500 is a good compromise.
You can faster stuff, but a) it’s very expensive and b) it won’t be laptop anymore (unless you enjoy holding a small thermonuclear device on your lap).
You should look out for graphic cards that can support shaders.
Start with opengl 2.1
awhig i think you don’t know the graphic card
cannot -BEEP- laptops as laptop
not have pciEx(16) slot
they only -BEEP- pci-Ex slot of Desktop Computer
as of Desktop MotherBoard
Dose it mean that ATi’s HD4xxx cards crash or not work correctly on these tutorials?
Izobshto znaesh li niakude v Sofia magazin za kompiutri vtora ruka kudeto moje da si vzema neshto za 300-400lv s edinstvenata ideia da mi sluji za obuchenie i uprajnenie vurhu OpenGl? Stava vupros bez perifernite ustroistva , t.e monitor, mishka, klaviatura i t.n.
Yes, that’s maybe the best bang for the buck, if you can find a GF8800 anywhere. I’m with a GF 8600GT, and it serves nicely (though it’s 4+ times slower than most modern ones). I’ll PM a configuration.
Dose it mean that ATi’s HD4xxx cards crash or not work correctly on these tutorials?[/QUOTE]
It means that most tutorials on the internet are written by people who don’t have a clue and use HLSL/Cg functions in GLSL code. Nvidia drivers (used to) accept invalid code like that, but everything else rightfully complained.
Ati OpenGL drivers have improved tremendously over the past 12 months. Nvidia tends to support OpenGL versions slightly faster, but gone are the times where Ati drivers didn’t even support basic stuff.
If you prefer ATi’s cards, get any HD4xxx . You will meet a lot of tutorials on OpenGL online, that crash or not work correctly with an ATi card and just frustrate you.
that means some laptops which are ported ATI cards by company Dell Asus HP may crash any time and must seek nVidia,MSI,ASUS,INTEL(i think this chipset also rejected by this forum)…etc.
i will buy soon a laptop my PAPA has promised me give new laptop.
which have 4GB RAM,2 to 3 GHZ Processor, and may have thousands of MB Video RAM.
and hear I have a Question.
as OpenGL and DirectX both are may equivalent upto there job
(GLSL<->HLSL) can I play most of 3d games on linux via wine
(brian says it depends on software/app for special requirenment).