Khronos guided Eclipse / Netbeans Setup Installer

Hello Folx,
I know, this question was probably asked many times and it was answered many times in different ways. But specially for Beginners and to help boosting the upcomming OpenGL community, i would ask the Khronos Guys to help Starters with an…IDE;-) Yes, i know, OpenGL is an API, not an programming language. But please let me put some thoughts into it.

  • The search for the libraries: Often times, there are different opengl.dll /lib, glu32.dll, glut32.dll out there. A generell “Download all the neccessary libs at once” would help Starters ALOT. Especially, when it comes to various OpenGL SPecs like, 1.2, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x.
  • A precompiled Lib environment with the current Khronos advises or how do i explain it, a standard like “If you want to use a good way, please use these API’s and Libs…”
  • An modified IDE, like Eclipse or Netbeans ready up to use INCLUDING the demos, the Libs and examples from the red book.
  • A HELP of ALL opengl commands when using Netbeans or Eclipse, to help while programming.

The entire package should be applied for Windows, Linux and Mac.

I know, this is a big Task, but it could help OpenGL Starters ALOT and could BOOST the Ready to program significantly. The correct setup of the opengl environment is one of the huge obstacles, beginners have.
There are already alot Eclipse Setups for PHP, C, C++. Why not C and Opengl, or c++ and opengl?

Best Regards,

As you already wrote, OpenGL(R) is an API specification. It is not a programming language (GLSL, hower, is) and also not a library. Under Windows(R), the OpenGL(R) implementation is part of the graphics card driver, i.e. you have to install the specific driver for your specific graphics card. There are different GPU vendors with different drivers that implement some GL version. Using an older version simply means not using newer functions.

On top of all of that, you will need to somehow load the entry points in your program, which depends on your OS/window system and is beyond the scope of OpenGL(R). For beginners I would suggest using GLEW. (Also, you need an OpenGL(R) context and some rendering surface, also beyond the scope of OpenGL(R)).

What’s the point of some IDE bundled with, lets say GLEW and GLFW? Packaging every possible GPU driver with the IDE and implementing a mechanism that detects the right one in addition would also be
quite an undertaking.

Other than that, there are AFAIK already IDEs and text editors with GLSL syntax highlighting.

Yours sincerely,


Hi the missing Lib / summarizing Lib issue could be solved by a little tool which jsut like unix configure, checks / greps through the system if it has certain libs and could list the lib, its version and location and could be copied into a development folder.
Additionally, there was this OpenGL Pack for Netbeans for JOGL. It had all what a Beginner needs. runnign red book demos, a opengl friendly setup, some tools like GL capabilites or the GLSL Editor, etc, but most of all it had OpenGL Syntax Highlighting.
There are some GLSL shader editors outthere, but not a single OpenGL Syntax Highlighting Editor.
I personally think, in the year 2014, Khronos should…well…help Beginners in this. Without a good base for shipping around these hazardous pitfalls, its hard to follow up. And i even speak about opengl core, not even the new opengl 4.4 commands…

There are already alot Eclipse Setups for PHP, C, C++. Why not C and Opengl, or c++ and opengl?

Simple: That would be the job of the Eclipse community - not the Khronos Group. Those guys have their hands full already and I guarantee, there are no human resources left at either Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Quallcom or any other contributor to officially design, implement and maintain an Eclipse plugin.

Aside from that: OpenGL implementations are used just the same way any other library is used. Do you have a dedicated plugin to setup C++ with boost? Or C++ with TinyXML? All you need is to add the libs you need to the compiler settings - there is absolutely no need for such a tool. If you want to get started using OpenGL you can do so as soon as you know how to use any other library. Granted, you usually use a GL function loader like glLoadGen or GLEW, but the details are unimportant and the setup is very, very simple.

There are some GLSL shader editors outthere, but not a single OpenGL Syntax Highlighting Editor.

Also, not Khronos’ job. They are supposed to produce a good and reasonable spec that can be implemented well and offers the features we developers need and the features conforming hardware can provide. The implementation of the specs is then the matter of individual companies. Everything else is out of a GL/GLSL specifier’s/implementor’s scope.