Issues with sampler arrays and unrolling


I have a shader that loops some number of lights (determined before execution) and samples corresponding shadow map arrays.

I am using an array of samplers for the shadow maps since I don’t know in advance if each light will want the same size texture for its set of shadow maps.

The whole shader is here (section in green is the relevant section):

#version 130
#pragma optionNV unroll all

#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable

const int MAX_SHADOW_TEX = 6;
const int MAX_ACTIVE_SHADOW = 3;

uniform int numShadowTex[MAX_ACTIVE_SHADOW];

uniform sampler2DArrayShadow STexSampler[MAX_ACTIVE_SHADOW];
//uniform sampler2DArrayShadow STexSampler;

uniform sampler2D texSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;

uniform int numLights;
uniform sampler1D lightSampler;

// How many entries per light?
uniform int lightStride;

// Describe the light structure
const int LIGHTDIFF = 1;
const int LIGHTDIR = 2;
const int LIGHTSPEC = 3;

uniform int control;

uniform vec3 eyePos;

in vec3 NormalW;
in vec3 TangentW;
in vec3 PosW;
in vec3 PosV;

uniform float ZCuts[MAX_ACTIVE_SHADOW*(MAX_SHADOW_TEX+1)];

float getShadowCoeff(in int l, in int zcut_idx, in int shad_idx) {

//if ( l != 0) return 0.0f;

vec4 smapCoord;
int idx = 0;

float shadowcoeff = 1.0;

// Decide which map to look up into
int s = 1;
bool done = false;

while (!done && s <= numShadowTex[l]) {

if (-PosV.z &lt;= ZCuts[zcut_idx+s])
  done = true;


idx = s - 1;

smapCoord = LightVP[shad_idx + idx]vec4(PosW, 1.0);
smapCoord = 0.5
smapCoord.w = smapCoord.z;
smapCoord.z = float(idx);

int mi = idx;

idx += shad_idx;
// Temp to activate shadow map
// CASE 1
vec4 samp;
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[l], smapCoord);

//CASE 2:
switch(l) {
case 0:
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[0], smapCoord);
case 1:
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[1], smapCoord);
case 2:
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[2], smapCoord);

//CASE 3:
if (0 == l) {
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[0], smapCoord);
} else if ( 1 == l) {
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[1], smapCoord);
} else if ( 2 == l) {
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[2], smapCoord);

return float(l);
samp = shadow2DArray( STexSampler[0], smapCoord);

shadowcoeff = samp.r;

          // Gaussian 3x3 filter

if (smapCoord.x < 0.0 || smapCoord.x > 1.0 || smapCoord.y < 0.0 ||
smapCoord.y > 1.0) {
shadowcoeff = 10.0f;
if (smapCoord.x < 0.0 || smapCoord.x > 1.0) {
shadowcoeff = 10.0;
} else if (smapCoord.y < 0.0 || smapCoord.y > 1.0) {
shadowcoeff = 0.0;

return shadowcoeff;


void main(void) {

vec4 diff_lookup = texture2D(texSampler, gl_TexCoord[0].st);

//vec4 lightdiff = texture1D(lightSampler, 0, 0);

float emit = diff_lookup.a*255.0;

vec4 emissive = vec4(0.0);

// Peel off the emissive light
if (emit > 1.0) {
emissive = diff_lookup*emit;
//diffuse = vec4(0.0);
diff_lookup = vec4(0.0);

// Logic to choose the normal, either based on the geometry
// or the normal map.
vec3 NormalF;

if (1 == (control & 0x01)) {

vec3 normalT = vec3(texture2D(normalSampler, gl_TexCoord[0].st));
// uncompress from [0,1] to [-1,1]
normalT = 2.0*normalT - 1.0;
vec3 N = normalize(NormalW);
vec3 T = normalize(TangentW - dot(TangentW, N)*N);
vec3 B = cross(N, T);
mat3 TBN = mat3(T, B, N);
NormalF = normalize(TBN*normalT);

} else {
NormalF = normalize(NormalW);

vec4 col = vec4(0.0);
vec4 ambient = vec4(0.0);

int zcut_idx = 0;
int shad_idx = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < numLights; ++l) {

int lb = lightStride*l;
vec3 lightDir = -normalize(vec3(texelFetch(lightSampler, lb + LIGHTDIR, 0)));
vec4 lightdiff = texelFetch(lightSampler, lb + LIGHTDIFF, 0);
vec4 spec = texelFetch(lightSampler, lb + LIGHTSPEC, 0);
vec4 diffuse = diff_lookup*lightdiff;
// Diffuse light calculation
float lightS = dot(NormalF, lightDir);

vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);

ambient += 0.1*diffuse;

if (lightS &gt; 0.0) {

  diffuse *= lightS;

  // specular light
  float specPower = max(spec.a, 1.0);
  vec3 toEye = normalize(eyePos - PosW);
  vec3 reflectVec = reflect(-lightDir, NormalF);
  float specFactor = pow(max(dot(reflectVec, toEye), 0.0), specPower);

  float specmap = 1.0;  // should look this up in specmap

  specular = specFactor*specmap*spec*diff_lookup;

} else {

  diffuse = vec4(0.0);

float shadowcoeff = 1.0;
shadowcoeff = getShadowCoeff(l, zcut_idx, shad_idx);
// Shadowcoeff calc

col += emissive + shadowcoeff*(diffuse + specular);
zcut_idx += (numShadowTex[l] + 1);
shad_idx += numShadowTex[l];

} // numLights

col += ambient/float(numLights);

gl_FragColor = vec4(col.x, col.y, col.z, 1.0);


If I enable CASE 1: I get an error like:

0(80) : error C5208: Sampler needs to be a uniform (global or parameter to main), need to inline function or resolve conditional expression
(0) : fatal error C9999: unable to generate code for texture function.

Is this right?
So I try to unroll the loop, which actually runs (either CASE 2 or 3). However, if the number of lights is less than the number unrolled, I get a shadowmap factor that doesn’t make any sense, because, apparently, the sampler case for the last lights are being sampled and corrupting the earlier values (which I verify by commenting out the unused cases and everything works fine).
Which leads me to believe that in the unrolled case I may be getting a performance hit, since, likely, all three samples are being called for each value of l!!

Any suggestions what to do? My only thought at this point is to autogenerate the shader for each case, unrolling the loops explicity. But then I worry about code bloat??

My system info:

GeForce GTX 260, windows 7, driver=197.45

Mem: 1792 MB


May have something that can help as I’ve had issues with arrays of samplers before too. (link)

In short, up through GLSL 3.3, you can only index sampler arrays with constants. In GLSL 4.0, they extended that to uniforms. Since this is in GL4.0/GLSL4.0, apparently this requires a GL4 card, so I’m assuming your/my GL3.3 cards can’t support the latter. Though I don’t think either solves your problem … without loop unrolling that is.

When I needed an array of samplers, I ended up using an list of N (N=max samplers) “non-arrayed” explicitly-named sampler uniforms (e.g. tex_0, tex_1, tex_2, etc.), and then called the same function for each which is encased in:

if ( tex[n].env_mode != TEXMODE_OFF )

where the entire if condition can be evaluated at compile time by the GLSL compiler, and thus let it throw all the code related to tex[n] away if the tex isn’t enabled for this shader.

This has the effect of making all the samplers referenced in the inlined GLSL source code, but then once the compiler does dead code elimination, it kills refs to the textures that we’re not actually using. …at least NVidia’s GLSL compiler does.

Ugly and obtuse but that’s the simplest method I could find to slide this through the GLSL compiler. Maybe someone else has a more elegant solution (?) The GLSL language could definitely help us out here.

Okay, thanks. I think I understand the trick you mean to get this to work.

I guess this is another motivation for going to deferred rendering, maybe!

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