Is this for real? - problems with prtinf or OpenGL reading mouse events?

OK, this NOT April fools joke .
This is for real.

The attached code snippet supposedly prints TWO printf in sequence.
It will print the first one on mouse down AND then second one on mouse UP !

However, if I do "double or nothing " - duplicate SAME pair again, it will print ALL four functions on mouse single down and NOTHING on mouse up.

> Bloc			} else if (state == GLUT_DOWN) {
				// or test explic;ty (?)

				printf("\nENTER  button state DOWN function  %s  @line %d ",
						"\nENTER  setup zooming on mouse  movement function  %s  @line %d ",
#ifdef BYPASS
				printf("\nENTER  button state DOWN function  %s  @line %d ",
									"\nENTER  setup zooming on mouse  movement function  %s  @line %d ",
