Is there a way to make spirv-cross code more clear to read

I captured a frame in renderdoc, i try to debug a compute shader,but when i choose disassembly type for GLSL(SPIRV-CROSS),It showed like below . The code is hard to read ,i did’t even know what it did? is there a way to help me to read easily?

void main()
    bool _7195 = false;
    bool _5799 = false;
    bool _4682 = false;
    bool _1978 = false;
    bool _1807 = false;
    uvec3 param = gl_WorkGroupID;
    uint param_1 = gl_LocalInvocationIndex;
    uvec3 _1766 = param;
    uvec2 _1770 = uvec2(_1766.xy);
    uint _1781 = cbSPD.mips;
    uint _1785 = cbSPD.numWorkGroups;
    uint _1775 = param.z;
    uvec2 _1789 = cbSPD.workGroupOffset;

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