help!the OpenGL will no work!

i am using OpenGL to do my homework.but it will not work although i have installed the newest Driver of NVIDIA,and opengl32.dll,glut32.dll,glut32.dll.
I have tried 1000 times.
my operating system is Win2k SP3.Graphic card is TNT2 Model 64 pro.

does somebody here can help me?


We’ll help…but we need to know what’s going on. What error message are you getting?

  • Halcyon

Originally posted by HalcyonBlaze:
[b]We’ll help…but we need to know what’s going on. What error message are you getting?

  • Halcyon[/b]

sorry,i’v not declared it clearly.
the error message was: GLUT…:Fatal error occured when…(file name)…failed to create OpenGL rendering context.

ps:the programm that i have wrote before is ok.i have run it before.

can you show us the glut code you use to set your window up?