Having some problem getting the uvs working right with vulkan raytracing

I’ve been working with ray-tracing for about a month so I’m still getting used it. I’m having some problems getting the uvs to look right. Here’s the shader I’m working with, I think the problem has something to do with v.uv = vec2(d0.x, d1.y); in the unpack function. I’ve been playing around with it for a while but haven’t been having any luck. I’ve also tried making a uv buffer and directly sending the info directly into and working from that, but it only works with one mesh then looks messed up after that.

#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : enable

layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT vec3 hitValue;
layout(location = 2) rayPayloadEXT bool shadowed;
hitAttributeEXT vec2 attribs;

struct VertexData
	vec3 Position;
	vec3 Normal;
	vec2 UV;
	vec3 Tangent;
	vec3 BiTangent;

struct DirectionalLight
	vec3 direction;
    vec3 ambient;
    vec3 diffuse;
    vec3 specular;

struct PointLight 
    vec3 position;
    vec3 ambient;
    vec3 diffuse;
    vec3 specular;
	float constant;
    float linear;
    float quadratic;

struct MaterialInfo
	vec3 Ambient;
    vec3 Diffuse;
    vec3 Specular;    
    float Shininess;
    float Reflectivness;

	uint DiffuseMapID;
	uint SpecularMapID;
	uint NormalMapID;
	uint DepthMapID;
	uint AlphaMapID;
	uint EmissionMapID;

struct Material
	vec3 Ambient;
    vec3 Diffuse;
    vec3 Specular;    
    float Shininess;
    float Reflectivness;

	vec3 DiffuseMap;
	vec3 SpecularMap;
	vec3 NormalMap;
	vec3 DepthMap;
	vec3 AlphaMap;
	vec3 EmissionMap;

layout(binding = 0) uniform accelerationStructureEXT topLevelAS;
layout(binding = 2) uniform UBO 
	mat4 viewInverse;
	mat4 projInverse;
	mat4 modelInverse;
	DirectionalLight dlight;
	vec3 viewPos;
	PointLight plight;
	int vertexSize;
} ubo;
layout(binding = 3) buffer Vertices { vec4 v[]; } vertices[];
layout(binding = 4) buffer Indices { uint i[]; } indices[];
layout(binding = 5) buffer MaterialInfos { MaterialInfo materialInfo[]; } MaterialList;
layout(binding = 6) uniform sampler2D TextureMap[];

struct Vertex
  vec3 pos;
  vec3 normal;
  vec2 uv;
  vec4 tangent;
  vec4 BiTangant;
  vec4 Color;
  vec4 BoneID;
  vec4 BoneWeights;

Vertex unpack(uint index)
	const int m = ubo.vertexSize / 16;

	vec4 d0 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 0];
	vec4 d1 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 1];
	vec4 d2 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 2];

	Vertex v;
	v.pos = d0.xyz;
	v.normal = vec3(d0.w, d1.x, d1.y);
	v.Color = vec4(d2.x, d2.y, d2.z, 1.0);
	v.uv = vec2(d0.x, 
	v.tangent = vec4(d0.w, d1.y, d1.y, 0.0f);

	return v;

Material BuildMaterial(vec2 UV)
	Material material;
	material.Ambient = MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].Ambient;
	material.Diffuse = MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].Diffuse;
	material.Specular = MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].Specular;
	material.Shininess = MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].Shininess;
	material.Reflectivness = MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].Reflectivness;
	material.DiffuseMap = vec3(texture(TextureMap[MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].DiffuseMapID], UV));
	material.SpecularMap = vec3(texture(TextureMap[MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].SpecularMapID], UV));
	material.NormalMap = vec3(texture(TextureMap[MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].NormalMapID], UV));
	material.AlphaMap = vec3(texture(TextureMap[MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].AlphaMapID], UV));
	material.EmissionMap = vec3(texture(TextureMap[MaterialList.materialInfo[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].EmissionMapID], UV));
	return material;

void main()
    const ivec3 index = ivec3(indices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].i[3 * gl_PrimitiveID], 
						      indices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].i[3 * gl_PrimitiveID + 1], 
						      indices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].i[3 * gl_PrimitiveID + 2]);

	const Vertex v0 = unpack(index.x);
	const Vertex v1 = unpack(index.y);
	const Vertex v2 = unpack(index.z);

	const vec2 uv0 = getTexCoord(index.x);
	const vec2 uv1 = getTexCoord(index.y);
	const vec2 uv2 = getTexCoord(index.z);

	// Interpolate normal
	const vec3 barycentricCoords = vec3(1.0f - attribs.x - attribs.y, attribs.x, attribs.y);
	vec3 normal = normalize(v0.normal * barycentricCoords.x + v1.normal * barycentricCoords.y + v2.normal * barycentricCoords.z);
	vec2 UV = v0.uv * barycentricCoords.x + v1.uv * barycentricCoords.y + v2.uv * barycentricCoords.z;
	 vec3 worldPos = v0.pos * barycentricCoords.x + v1.pos * barycentricCoords.y + v2.pos * barycentricCoords.z;

	 	const Material material = BuildMaterial(UV);

	vec3 lightDir = normalize(-ubo.dlight.direction);
	float diff = max(dot(ubo.dlight.direction, lightDir), 0.0);

	vec3 ambient = ubo.dlight.ambient *  material.DiffuseMap;
    vec3 diffuse = ubo.dlight.diffuse * diff *  material.DiffuseMap;
	 hitValue = ambient + diffuse;

		vec3 lightDir2 = normalize(ubo.plight.position - worldPos);
	float diff2 = max(dot(ubo.plight.position, lightDir2), 0.0);
	 float distance = length(ubo.plight.position - worldPos);
    float attenuation = 1.0 / (ubo.plight.constant + ubo.plight.linear * distance + ubo.plight.quadratic * (distance * distance));    
	vec3 ambient2 = ubo.plight.ambient * material.DiffuseMap;
    vec3 diffuse2 = ubo.plight.diffuse * diff * material.DiffuseMap;
//	ambient2 *= attenuation;
  //  diffuse2 *= attenuation;

	 hitValue += ambient2 + diffuse2;

	float spec = 0.0f;
//  if(dot(normal, L) > 0)
//  {
	// Shadow casting
	float tmin = 0.001;
	float tmax = 10000.0;
	vec3 origin = gl_WorldRayOriginEXT + gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT * gl_HitTEXT;
	shadowed = true;  
	// Trace shadow ray and offset indices to match shadow hit/miss shader group indices
	traceRayEXT(topLevelAS, gl_RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitEXT | gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT | gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT, 0xFF, 1, 0, 1, origin, tmin, lightDir, tmax, 2);
	if (shadowed) {
		hitValue *= 0.3f;
		vec3 halfwayDir = normalize(ubo.dlight.direction + ubo.viewPos);  
         spec = pow(max(dot(normal, halfwayDir), 0.0), material.Shininess);
		vec3 specular = ubo.dlight.specular * spec * material.Specular;
		hitValue += specular;

	traceRayEXT(topLevelAS, gl_RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitEXT | gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT | gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT, 0xFF, 1, 0, 1, origin, tmin, lightDir2, tmax, 2);
	if (shadowed) {
		hitValue *= 0.3f;
		vec3 halfwayDir2 = normalize(ubo.plight.position + ubo.viewPos);  
        spec = pow(max(dot(normal, halfwayDir2), 0.0), material.Shininess);
		vec3 specular2 = ubo.plight.specular * spec * material.Specular;
		//specular2 *= attenuation;
		hitValue += specular2;
 //  }


See my answer at c++ - Having some problem getting the uvs working right with vulkan raytracing - Stack Overflow.

If I’m not mistaken I already hinted at that on the Discord.

Thanks, it works now.
So this works more like a byte offset to the Vertex struct?

||vec4 d0 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 0];|
||vec4 d1 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 1];|
||vec4 d2 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 2];|

d0.x = 0 bytes in the vertex struct,
d0.y = 4 bytes in the vertex struct,
d0.z = 8 bytes in the vertex struct,
d0.w = 12 bytes in the vertex struct,
d1.x = 16 bytes in the vertex struct,
d1.y = 20 bytes in the vertex struct,
d1.z = 24 bytes in the vertex struct,
d1.w = 28 bytes in the vertex struct,
d2.x = 32 bytes in the vertex struct,
d2.y = 36 bytes in the vertex struct,
d2.z = 40 bytes in the vertex struct,
d2.w = 44 bytes in the vertex struct

Then to extend it for the BiTangant, and Color data would it be something like this?

||vec4 d3 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 3];|
||vec4 d4 = vertices[gl_InstanceCustomIndexEXT].v[m * index + 4];|

v.BiTangant = vec4(d3.x, d3.y, d3.z, d3.w);
v.Color = vec4(d4.x, d4.y, d4.z, d4.z);

Kind of yes. I used this way of unpacking vertex data so I could easily mix vectors of different sizes on the host side without having to pack for the default GLSL layout.

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