This question is aimed primarily at the nVidia guys but anyone else who has comments about this can also post
OK,I was wondering if it was at all possible if the GPU did all the frustrum cullind operations all in hardware.I mean,since we’re passing all the vertices and faces to the card,and since the card knows our camera’s position,orientation etc,then why couldn’t the card do the frustrum culling all by itself? I’m not talking out of ignorance or anything,but I’m just kind of curious why something like this wouldn’t be possible.Or if it is possible,then why hasn’t it been implemented yet?
Speaking of which,why don’t you guys throw in hardware collision detection while you’re at it
Once again I’m just curious about this.I would love to see hardware frustrum culling in future nVidia cards.This will make coding games and stuff alot easier since frustrum culling will be one less thing the programmer has to worry about (I know,I’m a lazy programmer.So sue me!)