Glut Tut?

Hey, guys, I’m looking for a good glut tutorial to help me get through my computer graphics class. The reason I need glut is that I need any system I write to be portable to unix, and also because the prof. recommended it. I’m reading the redbook but it seems like whenever I try to write code that isn’t directly out of the book, I get very unexpected results!

Thanks for your recommendations (in advance).


This is a good site

Also what type of problems are you having?

Originally posted by AsylumX:
[b]Hey, guys, I’m looking for a good glut tutorial to help me get through my computer graphics class. The reason I need glut is that I need any system I write to be portable to unix, and also because the prof. recommended it. I’m reading the redbook but it seems like whenever I try to write code that isn’t directly out of the book, I get very unexpected results!

Thanks for your recommendations (in advance).


[This message has been edited by nexusone (edited 05-14-2002).]

Well, I’m learning from the redbook and from my prof, and the thing is if I take the code from the redbook and alter it, I get strange results.

Example… The rotation program at the end of chapter #1.

If I alter the glRotate3f so that it rotates on a different axis, the rectangle looks as if it’s rotating behind a square opening, because if it rotates through a corner, the dimensions change… I’m not sure if I explained that too well so let me know.

Anyways, thanks, I’ll try out the tut you posted!


Sounds like possibly when it rotates it’s getting clipped by the far clip plane? In you glFrustum/gluPerspective or glOrtho try increasing the size of the back plane. If you’re using gluOrtho2D, you’ll have to switch to glOrtho because gluOrtho2D sets the near/far clip planes as -1/1.

Ok thanks, I think I got that part figured out now (it was glOrtho’s settings). Now, I can’t get the depths to match up quite right, but I’ll figure it out. It’s all part of learning something new, right?
