glut text over ortho shapes

hi there,

I was wondering if it is possible to display glut text (via glutBitmapString) over shapes drawn in ortho mode. Would I have to switch out of ortho mode to draw the dynamic text or can I still render the text on top of the other shapes drawn while in ortho mode and thus still use the ortho coord system?


Hi !

You can switch between perspective and ortho mode whenever you want so it’s no problem.


So, with glOrtho there is only 1 layer of drawing possible? It’s not possible to adjust the zFar and zNear clipping planes to adjust the z placement of what is being drawn?

I suppose I’m asking as to if I can draw layered items in glOrtho mode a al photoshop.

e.g. in glOrtho mode I draw a quad covering the whole screen, but then want a different coloured quad (or other shape) in the center of the screen to create a picture frames effect.

Is this possible? I want to try and stay in glOrtho mode and draw as much as possible as it’s very fast.


Why can’t you just disable the depth test when you want to draw your top stuff?

hehe. thanks Deiussum!!