Does anyone know how to install GLUI on Borland C++ Builder?

I have done it with MSVC++, but it should be now problem!

Yes it works with MSVC++ but for Borland the creation of glui32.lib from glui32.dll using the implib utility is giving me a headache as after executing the command, what I got was “no export file” displayed on the DOS command line screen.

Originally posted by Suf:
Yes it works with MSVC++ but for Borland the creation of glui32.lib from glui32.dll using the implib utility is giving me a headache as after executing the command, what I got was “no export file” displayed on the DOS command line screen.


it works. I had to recompile it for BCB. Normally I use VC but at school they use BCP.
There is a tool from BCB that lets you convert your VC project file to a BCB one.

You should be aware that not all files in the GLUI directory are actually used for compile
