glGetProgramInfoLog keeps returning garbage

Dear Sir/Madam,

When checking for errors on the linking and compiling of my shaderProgram it seemed like it does not compile. I have no clue why not so I implemented an errorlog method:

    bool Material::CheckCompileErrors(GLuint id, CompiledObjectType type) const
        GLchar infoLog[1024];
        GLint success = 0;

        case shader:
            glGetShaderiv(id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
            if (success) return true;
            glGetShaderInfoLog(id, 1024, nullptr, infoLog);
            std:: printf("%s", infoLog);
        case program:
            glGetProgramiv(id, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
            if (success) return true;
            glGetProgramInfoLog(id, 1024, nullptr, infoLog);
            std:: printf("%s", infoLog);
            assert("That is not a valid type to check for.");
        return false;

The purpose of it is to return true when compiling/linking went right and when something goes wrong it should log the error, but instead of logging (in this case the linking error) in logs a lot of garbage. I have no clue why it does this, it makes it almost impossible to debug.

If you do know why the glGetPrograminfoLog doesn’t want to fill my infolog array (which is a technically a pointer which it requires) please inform me of what I’m doing wrong.

One last thing, the reason I posted this in the GLSL thread and not in the general is because there was no “post new thread” button.



Check for errors with glGetError(). If glGetShaderInfoLog or glGetProgramInfoLog fail with an error, they won’t populate the buffer.

Other than that, use a debugger to check what’s actually being passed to those functions and what they return.

This (or similar) happend to me too a few days ago. Then replaced my compile function with a function from a tutorial and the checkErrorLog() function stopped spitting garbage.

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