gl.h path

Hello just porting an app on OSX… but where are located the gl headers?
i’ve found some into the X11R6 subdirs but i don’t think that they are the good ones…
any help from one cool guy who knows the place? :wink:

locate gl.h

On other systems, this is
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

but on OS X it is
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <GLUT/glut.h>

Originally posted by Sylvain:
Hello just porting an app on OSX… but where are located the gl headers?
i’ve found some into the X11R6 subdirs but i don’t think that they are the good ones…
any help from one cool guy who knows the place? :wink:

as previous poster said:

The stuff below is just some extra info if you compile using a makefile!

You will need to use the
-framework OpenGL

instead. This will also add the framework header paths aswell.

c++ myFiles.cpp -I/SomePathsToCodeI/Need -framework OpenGL -lobjc -o MyGLapp

I usually make an OpenGL includes file
where I define platform specific includes.


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