Gemotry Pass to cullin & Transform Feeedback Buffers


But doing tests only works for the stream 0, would you tell me what would be the logic for N streams? (now I was trying to capture 2 streams in to 2 querys objects)

It’s just a small variation on the same theme.

If you’re writing to multiple streams with TF, you can query the GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN counts separately for each stream by having an active query object per stream. Start/stop the queries with glBeginQueryIndexed and glEndQueryIndexed. Then query the result as usual:

  // Generate queries to determine how many entries written
  GLuint outquery[ TF_NUM_OUT ];
  glGenQueries( TF_NUM_OUT, outquery );
  for ( int i = 0; i < TF_NUM_OUT; i++ )
    glBeginQueryIndexed( GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN, i, outquery[i] );


  // Query/print how many entries written
  GLint counts[ TF_NUM_OUT ];
  for ( int i = 0; i < TF_NUM_OUT; i++ )
    glGetQueryObjectiv( outquery[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &counts[i] );
    printf( "Num primitives written for output %d = %d
", i, counts[i] );
  glDeleteQueries( TF_NUM_OUT, outquery );

This is copy/paste from some old standalone example code I whipped up years ago which reads back the primitives written to the CPU in a counts array.

To change this to use ARB_query_buffer_object, just make the trivial change to bind the drawIndirectBuffer to GL_QUERY_BUFFER before calling glGetQueryObjectuiv to fetch the result into the specified offset of the bound buffer, rather than calling glGetQueryObjectiv as I do here to query the result into a CPU-side counts array.

This same code was in the example source:

[li]Re: Still having problems with calling glTransformFeedbackVaryings[/li][/ul]
I pointed you to above by the way.

Excellent! next step : build INDIRECT_BUFFER to do all in one single draw call : glMultiDrawElementsIndirect()