Hm, I wonder when we will really need mipmapping for 3D textures because currently it’s quite hard to get aliasing artifacts (its expensive to allocate even 128x128x128 texture - 6mb per texture required).
Hmmm…disappointing. I thought it was supposed to have hardware support for 3D textures. Not that I guess it matters all that much, since they do consume quite a bit of memory, but it would still be nice to have (in hardware).
Since I always though NV20 would have hardware 3D textures and was wrong on that, I now just have to doublecheck…is the Radeon’s 3D texture support hardware accellerated?
>is the Radeon’s 3D texture support hardware accellerated
It is accelerated, but with 2 nuances: threre is no mipmapping for 3D textures, and you cannot do multitexturing of two 3D textures, only one 3D + one 2D.
[This message has been edited by h2 (edited 03-08-2001).]
Actually, mipmapping would be very helpful in this case. Not for making the texture look great - because it’d almost certainly be using the 1x1x1 mipmap LOD, but because it would not be thrashing the texture cache and there wouldn’t be lots of unpredictable high-frequency noise as the textured object animated.
Originally posted by LordKronos:
[b]Hmmm…disappointing. I thought it was supposed to have hardware support for 3D textures. Not that I guess it matters all that much, since they do consume quite a bit of memory, but it would still be nice to have (in hardware).
Since I always though NV20 would have hardware 3D textures and was wrong on that, I now just have to doublecheck…is the Radeon’s 3D texture support hardware accellerated?[/b]
Yes Radeon 3d texture is hardware accelerated. But no mipmapping though.
>there wouldn’t be lots of unpredictable high-frequency noise as the textured object animated
But what will happen when I’ll get close to that texture (and so will use previous 2x2x2 mip level)? I’ll get that noise anyway.
[This message has been edited by h2 (edited 03-09-2001).]
Sorry, I said nonsense, you’re right
Looks like mipmapping will help here, although this is quite synthetic case and I still think that in real life it’s quite hard to get aliasing artifacts on small (like 128x128x128) textures.