
I think some people will be interested in something I’ve found. http://www.codercorner.com/Flexporter.htm
This is an exporter plugin for various versions of 3dsmax. The difference between this and any other plugins I’ve found is that you can add plugins to this plugin! - your plugins will allow you to write your own exporter on top. The flexporter does all the tricky stuff for you - down to stuff like constructing tri-strips, finding convex hulls and bounding volumes, seperating out multiple materials, eliminating redundant vertices and faces, etc.etc.
Compared to writing an exporter plugin directly with the max sdk, this is a breeze!
It is absolutely wonderful, in my opinion - so give it a try.
Plus, it’s entirely free to use, even for commercial projects.

I gave it a try, but when I came to reading stuff out of it, it was full of null ptr’s and 0 values… never looked at it since.

You got a sample plugin you wrote you could mai me, to take a look at?


Sorry Nutty, I haven’t finished a complete plugin with flexporter yet, but I haven’t come across any of the problems you describe yet.
As soon as I’ve finished my plugin I shall email it to you.

Originally posted by Nutty:
I gave it a try, but when I came to reading stuff out of it, it was full of null ptr’s and 0 values… never looked at it since.

i had the same problems with it.