Error: Experession cannot be evaluated within draw method :S

within my draw method in the planet class I’m using glTranslated to move the object in a circle (calculated in another method within the class) however I am receiving a run time error “Error: experession cannot be evaluated”. I have messed around with this and what seems to allow the program to run is having -
“circle *loop = new circle[600];” within the draw method.
However when it compiles my planets do not appear. Please help!

Below is the Class.cpp file:

#include "Planet.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "glut.h"


		cout << "Planet Destroyed.";

	string Planet::getname()
		return name;

	position Planet::getPosition()
		return pos;

	float Planet::getRot()
		return rot;

	float Planet::getradius()
		return radius;

	float Planet::getslices()
		return slices;

	float Planet::getstacks()
		return stacks;

	float Planet::getRotIndex()
		return rotIndex;

	void Planet::getCalcPlanetCircle()
		circle *loop = new circle[600];
		for (int i = 0; i < 600 ; i++)
				loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);
				loop[i].y = 0;
				loop[i].z = radius * cos(i/100.0);

	void Planet::update()
		speed = 0;		
		speed+= rotIndex;
			if (speed >= 600)
					speed = 0;

	void Planet::draw()
				//circle *loop = new circle[600];
				glTranslated(loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].x, loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].y, loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].z);
				glRotated(60, 0, 0, 1);
				glScalef(2, 2, 2);
				glutSolidSphere(radius, slices, stacks);	

below is the class header file:

#ifndef PLANET_H
#define PLANET_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Structures.h"

using namespace std;

class Planet


	string name;
	position pos;
	circle *loop;
	int slices;
	int stacks;
	int r;
	int g;
	int b;
	float rot;
	float radius;
	float rotIndex;
	float speed;


	Planet(string Pname, float Pradius, int Pslices, int Pstacks, position Ppos, float ProtIndex, int Pr, int Pg, int Pb) 
		: name(Pname), radius(Pradius), slices(Pslices), stacks(Pstacks), pos(Ppos), rotIndex(ProtIndex), r(Pr), g(Pg), b(Pb)
		cout << "Planet " << Pname << " created" << endl;
	string getname();
	position getPosition();
	float getRot();
	float getradius();
	float getslices();
	float getstacks();
	float getRotIndex();
	void getCalcPlanetCircle();
	void update();
	void draw();

This is more a c++ thing. There is a very big memory leak going on here. Currently, you are creating a new local loop array variable in the getCalcPlanetCircle function and you never deallocate it. At the same time, you are accessing the uninitialized member loop variable in the draw function. I suggest you move the allocation/deallocation of your loop array that is

circle *loop = new circle[600];

into the Planet class constructor/destructor like this

   loop = new circle[600];
   delete [] loop;

This way you don’t allocate each frame. Then your getCalcPlanetCircle can directly use the loop array as follows

void Planet::getCalcPlanetCircle()
   for (int i = 0; i < 600 ; i++)
       loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);
       loop[i].y = 0;
       loop[i].z = radius * cos(i/100.0);

See if this helps.

Thanks for the reply mobeen, I have corrected my mistakes however I still seem to have the runtime error Experession cannot be evaluated. This error points me to the line “loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);” within my “Planet::getCalcPlanetCircle()” Method. Any ideas? :S

Could u share how the whole class and the other code looks now (I mean the new updated code so far) seems to me that there are still some uninitialized variables used.

I have moved the For loop to my constructor and removed the need to call the “getCalcPlanetCircle()” method from the main class. That resolved the problem however when I now call the Draw method within the Planet.cpp class Im getting a run time error on glTranslated. It complains about the Loop which is the same error as before. I cant do the same as I did to the getCalcPlanetCircle method :S

Main class:

	// Draw planets
	for (int i = 0; i < planetNum; i++)



#ifndef PLANET_H
#define PLANET_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Structures.h"

using namespace std;

class Planet


	string name;
	position pos;
	circle *loop;
	int slices;
	int stacks;
	int r;
	int g;
	int b;
	float rot;
	float radius;
	float rotIndex;
	float speed;


	Planet(string Pname, float Pradius, int Pslices, int Pstacks, position Ppos, float ProtIndex, int Pr, int Pg, int Pb) 
		: name(Pname), radius(Pradius), slices(Pslices), stacks(Pstacks), pos(Ppos), rotIndex(ProtIndex), r(Pr), g(Pg), b(Pb)
		cout << "Planet " << Pname << " created" << endl;
		circle *loop = new circle[600];
		int derp = 5;
		for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++)
				loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);
				loop[i].y = 0;
				loop[i].z = radius * cos(i/100.0);



	string getname();
	position getPosition();
	float getRot();
	float getradius();
	float getslices();
	float getstacks();
	float getRotIndex();
	void getCalcPlanetCircle();
	void update();
	void draw();


#include "Planet.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "glut.h"

		cout << "Planet Destroyed.";
		delete [] loop;

	string Planet::getname()
		return name;

	position Planet::getPosition()
		return pos;

	float Planet::getRot()
		return rot;

	float Planet::getradius()
		return radius;

	float Planet::getslices()
		return slices;

	float Planet::getstacks()
		return stacks;

	float Planet::getRotIndex()
		return rotIndex;

	void Planet::getCalcPlanetCircle()
		for (int i = 0; i < 600 ; i++)
				loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);
				loop[i].y = 0;
				loop[i].z = radius * cos(i/100.0);

	void Planet::update()
		speed = 0;		
		speed+= rotIndex;
			if (speed >= 600)
					speed = 0;

	void Planet::draw()
				cout << loop[4].x << endl;
				glTranslated(loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].x, loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].y, loop[(int)(ceil (speed))].z);
				glRotated(60, 0, 0, 1);
				glScalef(2, 2, 2);
				glutSolidSphere(radius, slices, stacks);	

I have pinpointed the problem and found that I am not able to use Loop outside of the constructor :S how do I get around this?

You are still allocating a local variable

Planet(string Pname, float Pradius, int Pslices, int Pstacks, position Ppos, float ProtIndex, int Pr, int Pg, int Pb)  : name(Pname), radius(Pradius), slices(Pslices), stacks(Pstacks), pos(Ppos), rotIndex(ProtIndex), r(Pr), g(Pg), b(Pb) {     
   cout << "Planet " << Pname << " created" << endl; 
//circle *loop = new circle[600];//this is local to constructor 
   loop=new circle[600]; //this will initialize the loop member variable    
   int derp = 5;     
   for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++)     {          
      loop[i].x = radius * sin(i/100.0);        
      loop[i].y = 0;        
      loop[i].z = radius * cos(i/100.0);        

Ahhhhh that was my problem! Thanks alot :3