Environmentalmapping: How to calculate the vectors in a vp?


just wanted to add env mapping to my project, when i noticed, that i use vp´s for everything. So no texcoord-generation :frowning:

Well, now i´d like to do it myself in the vp, but i couldn´t find the equation for it in the spec. Can someone tell me the formula?

Thanks in advance,

Which one?

sphere map, reflection map and normal map

They involve computing a reflection vector

r = u - 2* n’ (n’ DOT u) (1)

where u is unit vector in eye space from eye to vector.
n’ is normal in eye space

m = 2 SQRT(r.x^2 + r.y^2 + (r.z+1)^2)

s = r.x/m + 0.5
t = r.y/m + 0.5

The above is sphere map from red book

reflection uses the same equation as (1)
and it uses the r.x, r.y, r.z to access a cubemap.

normal map? I think it uses the eye space normal vector as a reflection vector to
lookup up into a cubemap.

Hope that helps.

I want to use cubemaps, so it should be reflection-mapping.

“where u is unit vector in eye space from eye to vector.”

You mean “from eye to vertex”, don´t you?

Eyespace means, that i have to transform everything with my modelview-matrix, no?

I´m a bit confused at the moment, have to check that stuff tomorrow.


Originally posted by Jan2000:

just wanted to add env mapping to my project, when i noticed, that i use vp´s for everything. So no texcoord-generation :frowning:

Well, now i´d like to do it myself in the vp, but i couldn´t find the equation for it in the spec. Can someone tell me the formula?

Thanks in advance,

Hello! I know how to do that for cubic environment maps. To calculate, for instance, coords for reflection (environment mapping is a technique that simulates highly reflective surfaces without using ray tracing, you know) you should use following formula:

RefVec = 2*(E dot N)*N - E

where E - is vector from our eye position (defined in constant registers) to vertex (incoming in vertex program (vp)), transformed by a World matrix (also stored in const regs); and N - our normal, transformed by World matrix;
Transform vertex position and normal by World matrix and use this formula. Finally, put answer into texture coords register.
Sorry if I understand your question unproperly.
And one question for You.
Whether OpenGL has higher language for writing vertex and fragment programs in a C-like style?

Great, thanks!

OpenGL itself does not have a C-like language for writing vertex- or fragment-programs. At least not yet. But one can use CG instead (www.cgshaders.org).


Ati catalyst 3.9(+) has support for Glslang… not all aspects of the language, but enough to do that, and many other things… ( it doenst support loops, even if they are of know length, and it fallsback, correctly, into software when using the noise functions)