Environmental effects in OpenGL

Originally posted by Eric:
[b] Gran Turismo 3 might be another very good reason !

By the way, do you know of any PS2 developer on this board ? I remember there was an advert for OpenGL on PS2 some months ago in the headlines…

I’d be curious to benchmark PS2 against PC using OpenGL (although I doubt GLUT has been ported on PS2 !).



I’ve been trying to get my employer to benchmark the OpenGL Middleware driver for the PS2 for a while now… We are using OpenGL to develope the PC side (which wont ship) but we are developing our own PS2 side. Why?? I dunno… We should benchmark the OpenGL drivers first!

Okay, I posted a message earlier about volumetric effects to little avail. Now the glow in front of the flashlight in the MGS movie is a good example of my quesiton. How do you do stuff like that? I can’t figure out how to do cool “cloud” like effects like that glow that is in front of that flashlight. If anyone has any ideas, I’d LOVE to hear from you.

I bet its just convincing from certain positions. Either they put an alpha blended body in front of it or a simple alpha blended poly. My guess.

What is a “body”? It sure doesn’t look like a set of polys. I don’t think it could rotate around and maintain it’s appearance as it does if it were only some polies. But this body idea sounds about right. So what is a body exactly?

If they used a simple poly, it would make a difference when you look from the side or from the front. They could be using some sort of cylinder which is opened in the one side and thinner on the other side.
The problem is that this fog effect looks differently from all sides, so it would be non-convincing if they used a simple poly. The trick would be to make all polys that don’t face the viewer more transparent than the others, so it gives a fade being looked from another side. This would give me the idea to control that transparency through a light! Can one give an alpha component to a light? Basically, you should produce smaller alpha values where it would be darker. Get what I mean?

From the movie, it appears that the “glow volume”, as I’ll call it, looks brighter in the center and darker towards the exremeties regardless of what angle you’re looking from. Boy, would I like to know how they do that.

Which movie do you mean? One of the ones above?

Originally posted by BwB:

I’ve been trying to get my employer to benchmark the OpenGL Middleware driver for the PS2 for a while now… We are using OpenGL to develope the PC side (which wont ship) but we are developing our own PS2 side. Why?? I dunno… We should benchmark the OpenGL drivers first!

We talked to DataPlus about their PS2 OGL drivers about a year ago and it was pretty slow stuff. A lot of software-only (EE) code there… I’d rather implement it in-house…

I haven’t seen the movie Punchey (33.6K modem), but what you are describing sounds like a billboard.

Ok, I visited a neighbor so I could see the movie without the longish download. And it appears to me to have 3 parts. A simple billboard for that disc of light right at the base of the flashlight, a small conical model with a convincingly blended texture for the spotlight umbra and a larger conical model for the spotlight penumbra. Or could be just a whole bunch of overlapping and moving billboards that modulate their alpha by a factor derived by their distance from the light axis.

I see the 3 components you are talking about, but it actually looks like it may be a few dozen polys blended together. I gather this from looking at the way it interacts with the handrail. Just looking at the way the light fade in/out on the railing based on distance. Also, its interesting to note that when the camera is on the opposite side of the hand rail looking towards the light, the way the brightness increases and at points actually BLOCKS OUT the handraid (rather than the handrailing obscuring some of the light, the light actually obscures some of the handrail).

Let’s launch a competition to find who can reproduce the effect the fastest !



Sounds good to me! First to post a message to this board and supply sourcode wins! But it’ll have to be a good reproduction, not just some half-arsed looking hack.

I have downloaded the vip2.zip, but when I run it, it change my screen resolution to 640*480 and exit ?! what is the matter, anyone knows?

I’m eagerly awaiting the results of the contest!!

To Nilz: That means you don’t have a card that supports the features needed to run it.