Drawing text

Hi, I’m not sure what the easist way to draw text on screen. Currently I’m using glutBitmapCharacter and it is sort of working, but the problem is that I can’t specify the color of the text; it appears in random color no matter what I do.
I’m disabling all the effect such as lighting, texture mapping, etc. befor calling glColor and then glutBitmapCharacter, but I had no luck. Can someone kindly tell me what I may be doing wrong? Thanks a lot in advance.

I’m not sure what could be wrong. The text should appear in whatever color the bitmap was saved as if you’re reading the bitmap properly. I did want to say that if you’re interested in speed, I’ve found that applying your text as a texture on a 2d polygon is much faster than using GL’s bitmap function. I’m pretty sure that GL renders bitmaps one point at a time without hardware support, but I could be wrong.