Debugging problem

I use Microsoft VC++ 6.0 for developing my applications.
I haven’t problems to compiling and running my OpenGl applications. However, I can’t debug step by step the programs because the compiler stops in assembly code in the 'ChoosePixelFormat" instruction. And then I can’t continue.

Has anybody any solution?

Step over that instruction, rather than stepping into it.

Hi !

Not sure what the problem is, but set a breakpoint after the problem line and press F5 on the line just before it, then you don’t have to step over the problem line.


Thanks a lot, but I think my explanation isn’t very good. I know how works the debugger. I think is a deeper problem: the debugger stops in the first instruction relative to OpenGL although there isn’t any break point. I can’t stop the debugger in any instruction after this.
Have you tried to debug a opengl application? I think, perhaps It’s a problem of my VC++ configuration, but I’ve read a lot of tutorials and examples and I don’t found what’s my problem. For example, I can’t debug the OpenGl examples from microsoft.

Originally posted by mikael_aronsson:
[b]Hi !

Not sure what the problem is, but set a breakpoint after the problem line and press F5 on the line just before it, then you don’t have to step over the problem line.


You don’t happen to have an ASUS video card by any chance? I remember some old ASUS drivers that hit breakpoints when you debugged OpenGL apps. Very weird. Try using nvidias reference drivers if you have an nvidia chipset built by Asus.

Thanks. I’ve changes the drivers and all is right.

Originally posted by harsman:
You don’t happen to have an ASUS video card by any chance? I remember some old ASUS drivers that hit breakpoints when you debugged OpenGL apps. Very weird. Try using nvidias reference drivers if you have an nvidia chipset built by Asus.