Compute shader bloom producing strange results

I am trying to implement bloom from the learnopengl guest article on physically based bloom. However I wanted to try do this with a compute shader and using the mip levels instead of producing several different textures for each mip.
My bloom:

As you can see its producing weird lines accross the image and the bright textures aren’t really bleeding the pixels out as normal bloom would.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I am using the same down/up sampling technique and the same kernel.

In the bloom shader:

void main()
	ivec2 coordinate = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID);

    vec3 destinationColor = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    vec2 texCoord = (vec2(coordinate) + vec2(0.5)) / imageSize(u_Destination);

    if(u_SampleOption == BLOOM_DOWN_SAMPLE)
        destinationColor = DownSample(texCoord);
    else if (u_SampleOption == BLOOM_UP_SAMPLE)
        destinationColor = UpSample(texCoord);
        destinationColor += textureLod(u_Source, texCoord, float(u_SourceMip)).rgb;
    imageStore(u_Destination, coordinate, vec4(destinationColor, 1.0));

In the host code:


uint32_t width  = m_Settings.ViewportWidth;
uint32_t height = m_Settings.ViewportHeight;

constexpr int DownSample = 0;
constexpr int UpSample   = 1;

// ---- down sampling ----

for (uint32_t i = 1; i < RenderData::BloomMipLevelCount; i++)
	uint32_t source = i - 1;
	uint32_t destination = i;

	uint32_t sourceWidth = width >> source;
	uint32_t sourceHeight = height >> source;

	uint32_t destinationWidth = width >> destination;
	uint32_t destinationHeight = height >> destination;

	float groupX = std::ceil((float)destinationWidth / 8.0f);
	float groupY = std::ceil((float)destinationHeight / 8.0f);

	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_SampleOption", DownSample);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_SourceMip", (int)source);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_Source", 0);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_Destination", 1);

	m_Data.FinalImageTexture->BindImage(1, destination, 0, false);

	glDispatchCompute((GLuint)groupX, (GLuint)groupY, 1);

// ---- up sampling ----


for (uint32_t i = RenderData::BloomMipLevelCount - 1; i > 0; i--)
	uint32_t source = i;
	uint32_t destination = i - 1;

	uint32_t sourceWidth = width >> source;
	uint32_t sourceHeight = height >> source;

	uint32_t destinationWidth = width >> destination;
	uint32_t destinationHeight = height >> destination;

	float groupX = std::ceil((float)destinationWidth / 8.0f);
	float groupY = std::ceil((float)destinationHeight / 8.0f);

	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_SampleOption", UpSample);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_SourceMip", (int)source);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_Source", 0);
	m_Data.BloomPass.SetUniform("u_Destination", 1);

	m_Data.FinalImageTexture->BindImage(1, destination, 0, false);

	glDispatchCompute((GLuint)groupX, (GLuint)groupY, 1);

if anyone could guide me to any other sources of error that would be greatly apprecited. If need i can provide more code.

one more thing to add is the down sample and up sample code:

    algorithm is from this article

vec3 DownSample(in vec2 texCoord)
    float x = 1.0 / textureSize(u_Source, u_SourceMip).x; 
    float y = 1.0 / textureSize(u_Source, u_SourceMip).y;
    float levelOfDetail = float(u_SourceMip);

	vec3 a = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - 2*x, texCoord.y + 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 b = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,       texCoord.y + 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 c = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + 2*x, texCoord.y + 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 d = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - 2*x,  texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 e = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,        texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 f = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + 2*x,  texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 g = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - 2*x, texCoord.y - 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 h = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,       texCoord.y - 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 i = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + 2*x, texCoord.y - 2*y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 j = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - x, texCoord.y + y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 k = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + x, texCoord.y + y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 l = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - x, texCoord.y - y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 m = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + x, texCoord.y - y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 color = e*0.125;
    color += (a+c+g+i)*0.03125;
    color += (b+d+f+h)*0.0625;
    color += (j+k+l+m)*0.125;

    return color;

vec3 UpSample(in vec2 texCoord)
    float levelOfDetail = float(u_SourceMip);

    float x = 0.005; 
    float y = 0.005;

    vec3 a = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - x, texCoord.y + y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 b = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,     texCoord.y + y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 c = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + x, texCoord.y + y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 d = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - x, texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 e = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,     texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 f = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + x, texCoord.y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 g = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x - x, texCoord.y - y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 h = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x,     texCoord.y - y), levelOfDetail).rgb;
    vec3 i = textureLod(u_Source, vec2(texCoord.x + x, texCoord.y - y), levelOfDetail).rgb;

    vec3 color = e*4.0;
    color += (b+d+f+h)*2.0;
    color += (a+c+g+i);
    color *= 1.0 / 16.0;

    color = max(color, 0.0001);
    return color;

I got it working i forgot to set the min filter to mipmap linear since i am using the mipmaps of textures not seperate textures themeselves.