clear color not the current color?

okay, if i set the current color to the color returned in glGet( GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE ), w/ no texture mapping, no lighting, and no dithering, won’t the primitives i draw basically erase the background?

i can see a difference…
not the exact same color…

any ideas?

Have you tried disabling the depth test and depth buffer clears? Theoretically, just disabling lighting, textures, GL_COLOR_MATERIAL, etc. should cause whatever primative drawn with the background color to be pseudo-invisible, but I know what you mean. I’ve seen this before. Ofcourse, it could be just a side-effect of the way the ICD handles this phenom. Have you tried forcing software rendering to see how MS’ software implementation looks in comparison?


yeoup, no depth testing…

i’ll try the generic implementation…

hope it works.

thx gloss