
I am working on a checkers game using glut and c++. I have a problem with the drag and drop of pieces. I able to drag and drop a piece from lower center to the upper right but it also drag and drops from center to upper left, I want it to only drag and drop form center to upper right and not to the upper left. here is the code I am using I have solved half of my problem.

void black_piece()
	if (board[5][1] == 1)
	if (board[4][0] == 1)
		move_piece = true;
	if (move_piece == false && board[4][2] == 1)

void mouseMotion(int x, int y)
	if (y <= 180)
		y = 180;
	if (x <= 240)
		x = 240;
	if (y >= 420)
		y = 420;
	if (x >= 560)
		x = 560;
	board[(y - 180) / 30][(x - 240) / 40] = 1;
	cout << x << " " << y << endl;

well I solved my problem, what type of data structure should I use for the rest of my game, something like vectors or arrays?