Can any one help me?

i have already posted a question regarding the speed of programs that uses opengl for
i want to ask how can i improve my program
in respect of less resource utilization (memory usage).
does any one know how to create a window using GLUT of resolution 320x240
if u people find convenient please answer

int main(int argc, char **argv)

glutInit              ( &argc, argv ) ;
glutInitDisplayMode   ( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB ) ;
glutInitWindowSize    ( winWidth, winHeight ) ;
glutInitWindowPosition( 50, 50 ) ;
glutCreateWindow      ( "COPPER" ) ;

MyInit() ;

glutReshapeFunc  ( Reshape ) ;
glutDisplayFunc  ( Display ) ;
glutKeyboardFunc ( Keys ) ;
glutSpecialFunc  ( Cursors );

glutMainLoop() ;

return 0;


glutInitWindowSize ( winWidth, winHeight ) ;

winWidh and winHeight r integer values that represent ur window size or resolution in fullscreen mode

i have tried this but of no use
there is no change in resolution of window
whether i give 320,240 or 640,480 parameters.
what should i do now?