I have a game “engine” that uses “camera” movement with gluLookAt and I’ve got it work perfectly with the X and Z plane, but I don’t know how to implant the Y axis, because I recently wanted an observer/ghost/spectator and I have to get it to work, I also need it if I want to be able to shoot…
As U all see in the code below I calculate the X and Z plane with the variable ang, but for the Y axis I use another variable that’s called angy, cause I cant use the same and there’s where all the problems begin… Or???
Here’s how I calculate the gluLookAt on the X and Z axis:
// px = point x
// pz = point x
// ex = eye x
// ez = eye z
// pmx = point movement x
// pmz = point movement z
pmx = pmx - (sin(pi*(ang/180))1.8);
pmz = pmz - (cos(pi(ang/180))1.8);
ex = ex - (sin(pi(ang/180))1.8);
ez = ez - (cos(pi(ang/180))*1.8);
px = pmx + sin(deg * pi / 180) * -rad;
py = cos(degy * pi / 180) * -rad;
pz = pmz + cos(deg * pi / 180) * -rad;
gluLookAt(ex, ey, ez, px, py, pz, 0, 1, 0);
At last the question: How do I do to calculate the pmy (point movement y) point…?
Need help plz…
[This message has been edited by CyBBe (edited 09-12-2000).]