Bugs in the OpenGL specification files.


I’ve been reading these boards for quite some time, but this is my first actual post.

While writing the .Net/Mono opengl binding generator used in the Tao framework and the Open Toolkit I encountered some errata in the specification files ( enum.spec , enumext.spec and gl.spec ).

These errors, mainly missing and wrongly named enumerations, hinder languages with stronger type-checking than C from correctly using the OpenGL. The exact errors are documented here (Haskell OpenGL bindings), and it seems they were brought to the SGI’s attention in 2001 - but were never corrected.

As this problem affects several programming languages (in fact every language that does not directly or indirectly use the “gl.h” and “glext.h” headers), I would like to ask if someone knows the correct person to contact in the Khronos group regarding this issue.

As a sidenote, does anyone know whether the spec files will move to an xml-based format?

Apparently you should contact Jon leech :

Will do. Many thanks!