buffer region extension(s ?)

What is the difference between the WGL_ARB_buffer_region and the GL_KTX_buffer_region extensions ? Which one should I use for maximum portability ?
For example, I found that the ATI Radeon supports the Kinetix extension, but not the ARB extension. Do nVidia graphic cards support the same extension ?

We support both and prefer the ARB version. The KTX version is not very well documented.

  • Matt

Thanks Matt

> We support both and prefer the ARB version. The KTX version is not very well documented.

Yes. But GL_KTX_buffer_region is supported by almost any professional 3D card and by many low-end cards as well.

WGL_ARB_buffer_region is the way to go, but this extension is just way too new…

Check this place: OpenGL Hardware Registry .