Blending paint again

Is there a way to rotate the colors in OGL today?

Like this:
(Red, Green, Blue) maps to (Blue, Red, Green) instead?

Originally posted by Hull:
A color would rather be represented by a point within or on the surface of a ColorSphere…All the hues, except white and black lie on the equator of the sphere surface, and there will be two poles, one black and one white.
The major hues will be placed simply by specifying a angle range from 0 to 360 for each of them. Assume red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and magenta as basic hues.

You have just described how HSL (hugh, saturation, luminance) is conceptually laid out. You may notice that HSL is the other option that you typically see in the standard “Select Color” dialog box.

Originally posted by Hull:
[b]Is there a way to rotate the colors in OGL today?

Like this:
(Red, Green, Blue) maps to (Blue, Red, Green) instead?


You could use register combiners to perform a vector transformation on the color per-pixel.

Thanx LordKronos.

I actually didnt know about HSL, and ended up creating something that already was invented. Thats cool

[This message has been edited by Hull (edited 05-15-2001).]