Arrgh. nVidia specific 'for' loops - yet again

From the previous discussion on ‘for’ loops I was under the impression that looping that terminates on, say, a “uniform” was supported on NV 6800 in the fragment shader.

I have the plain vanilla 6800. Any ‘for’ loop works fine in a vertex shader. ‘for’ loops that terminate based on a constant work fine in fragment shaders. A ‘for’ loop in a fragment shader that terminates based on a ‘uniform’ coughs up:

error C5013: profile does not support “for” statements

I have the latest drivers off the nVidia site.

To be supported in the future? SOL?

Oh, and while I’m at it… I know this has been asked before but I couldn’t find it. How do you determine if you shaders are running on the hardware or are falling back to software?

The GLSL implementation in current public NVIDIA drivers does not support any GeForce 6 series features. Support will be added in Release 65 drivers.

For now you’ll need to use the NV_vertex_program3 and NV_fragment_program2 extensions to access these features. The upcoming Cg 1.3 release adds support for these extensions through the vp40 and fp40 profiles.

Originally posted by Foxbat:
How do you determine if you shaders are running on the hardware or are falling back to software?
I don’t know if nVidia’s drivers do this, but on ATi you get a “this shader will run in hardware” line in the link info log.

Foxbat - keep an eye out for beta NVidia drivers that support advanced features before the release version.

Usually they will give you access to stuff you want a little earlier than waiting for ever element of the driver to be tested in the release version

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