ARB_fragment_program bug in NVidia drivers?


I don’t have NVidia hardware myself, but have remote debugged via IRC with somebody who owns a Geforce 5900 (using version 6111 Linux drivers for AMD64 from NVidia).

I reduced my problem to a simple testcase with the following fragment program:

TEMP tmp0, tmp2;

FRC tmp0.xy, fragment.texcoord[0];
SUB tmp2.w, fragment.texcoord[0].y, tmp0.y;
MUL result.color.z, tmp2.w, 0.05;
FRC result.color.xy, fragment.texcoord[0];

This fragment program is used on a quad that spans the entire screen, with texture coordinates ranging from (0,0) (top left) to (100, 50) (bottom right).
Here is a screenshot of the expected behaviour (screenshot taken on a Radeon 9700). However, on the NVidia-based system, the blue component is a uniform zero over the entire screen.

However with a different fragment program like this, the output matches the expected behaviour:

TEMP tmp0, tmp2;

FLR tmp2.w, fragment.texcoord[0].y;
MUL result.color.z, tmp2.w, 0.05;
FRC result.color.xy, fragment.texcoord[0];

As you can see, the only change is that I have replaced FRC+SUB with FLR, but since floor(x) == x - fract(x) that should not make a difference. In fact, this relationship is used as a definition in the spec.

Am I right in that the two programs are identical, or am I missing something obvious here?


Looks like a bug. And I even have a theory on how the bug works …

Try this

TEMP tmp0, tmp2;

FRC tmp0.xy, fragment.texcoord[0];
SUB tmp2.w, fragment.texcoord[0].y, tmp0.y;
MUL result.color.z, tmp2.w, 0.05;
MOV result.color.xy, tmp0;   #difference here

I don’t want to leave this thread open like this, so…

I’ve been told that this is already fixed internally and will no longer be an issue with Rel65 drivers when they are released.