I’d like to announce the availability of the first version of GwtGL, a WebGL binding for GWT.
We released the project on Google code under the Apache 2 licence.
Here is a brief description of the project:
WebGL is a Javascript API, so you would have to program your application using Javascript.
This is where GwtGL comes into play. Using GwtGL, which is Open Source and free to use, you can develop WebGL apps using the Java language, using your favorite Java IDE (e.g. Eclipse), using powerful Java tools.
With the first release of GwtGL we provide a complete binding for WebGL, so everything that is possible with WebGL directly is also possible using GwtGL. Besides that, GwtGL offers a wrapper layer on top of the binding to allow the developer to program in an object oriented, easier way. We also released some docs with explanations and tutorials, and some examples that you can use as a starting point for your own apps.
More info and a download package can be found at the project website @ http://code.google.com/p/gwtgl/ .
I’d like to get some feedback from you on your experiences or your opinion regarding this project.
Best regards,