Allocating a large chunk of memory for SSBO


I want to create a SSBO buffer for my fragment shader to use, however, my application hangs and I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

The SSBO size is 2562561024*4 = 256 MB (because I want to use it as a 3-dimentional array of vec4’s)

Note, that I only allocate the buffer once in the application (after loading the shader program) and use it as a static memory during the lifetime of the application.

I allocate it the following way:

glBufferStorage(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 256*256*1024*2, NULL, 0); // flags is 0 for best optimization

Also, in my fragment shader I declared the SSBO the following way:

layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer object_map
    vec4 obj_map[256*256*1024];

I haven’t even used the buffer in the shader yet.

What I observe is the application runs until it needs to allocate the buffer, hangs and then crashes.

Also, a dumb question: Does OpenGL use the system RAM to allocate the buffers or there’s a special memory for that?
I’m a bit confused about the whole buffers storage.

P.S. I tried removing the 1024 multiplication, meaning my buffer is 256256*4 B in size it takes about 10~20s to allocate the buffer.
Is this normal and is there a way to optimize the buffer allocation?


I want to create a SSBO buffer for my fragment shader to use, however, my application hangs and I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

The SSBO size is 2562561024*4 = 256 MB (because I want to use it as a 3-dimentional array of vec4’s)

Note, that I only allocate the buffer once in the application (after loading the shader program) and use it as a static memory during the lifetime of the application.

I allocate it the following way:

glBufferStorage(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 256*256*1024*2, NULL, 0); // flags is 0 for best optimization

Also, in my fragment shader I declared the SSBO the following way:

layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer object_map
    vec4 obj_map[256*256*1024];

I haven’t even used the buffer in the shader yet.

What I observe is the application runs until it needs to allocate the buffer, hangs and then crashes.

Also, a dumb question: Does OpenGL use the system RAM to allocate the buffers or there’s a special memory for that?
I’m a bit confused about the whole buffers storage.

P.S. I tried removing the 1024 multiplication, meaning my buffer is 256256*4 B in size it takes about 10~20s to allocate the buffer.
Is this normal and is there a way to optimize the buffer allocation?[/QUOTE]

Can’t really help you with the questions about the buffer object itself, but you said your buffer should have the size 2562561024*4 but in the code snippet there is a 2 in the end. Additionally, the size taken by glBufferStorage is in bytes (if I remember it correctly). A vec4 contains 4 floats. A float is 4 bytes. So the total size of a vec4 is 16 bytes. So instead of 2 or 4 you need to multiply it by 16. This mismatch might cause your program to freeze since you are generating an memory access violation. Can’t tell if there are other issues.
