3dsmax6 C exporter


Feel free to report or fix any bug, or do any addition.
It uses MSXML as XML writter.
no material / texture support yet.


download latest version

unofficial 3dsmax 6 exporter for collada 1.0 specifications

- cameras
- lights
- geometries
- scene

- only perspective cameras
- fov, znear, zfar

- type omni,directional, spot
- ambient, diffuse, specular colors
- attenuation, falloff, intensity, aspect

- position
- normal ( desindexed to workaround smoothing groups )

missing features:
animations ( not in collada 1.0 specs )

using MSXML 4.0 parser.
no known bug.

- depending on the updates done on your windows XP you might need to install MSXML 4.0 from microsoft. google knows where to find it.
- bin/colladaExporter.dle must be copied in the 3dsmax6 / plugins directory.

The env variable $(3DSMAXSDK) must point to 3dsmax6 / maxsdk. Some files have been deprecated from 3dsmaxSDK in the latest version, but those files are still needed, especially the physics API headers to export animation and skinning. you can probably remove the #include for the missing files in this version which doesn't support skinning.
else email me, or email discreet support.
If you get an error message about #import "msxml4.dll" failing, same remark as how to run, get MSXML4.0 from Microsoft.

Cedric, the link to your site is no longer valid.

Hi Marcus,

Yes sorry for that, it is fixed now.
Personal websites are not as reliable as corporate websites. if someone can host this code on a corporate website, I would be happy to modify the link to point on it.

I might add the export of skinned animations and make this code compliant to the latest Collada spec, if I have few spare hours in the following weeks :slight_smile:
