I haven’t posted a silly question for a long time so here it is !
I dunno if some of you use 3DSMax but there is something interesting in their rotation system : select an object, right-click on the “rotation button” and you can see a window with :
Absolute:World Offset:World
X : X:
Y : Y:
Z : Z:
I have had no problem copying this idea with the same dialog box etc etc…
My question is : How the hell do they find the coordinates of the rotation in Absolute:World after you have done several ones in Offset:World ???
For example, if you use the following rotations with Offset:World :
X:5 , Y:7 , X:4
You obtain as a result in Absolute:World :
X:9.03 , Y:6.983 , Z:0.491
I know how to reproduce the effect of what happens when you use the Offset:World. Basically I load a rotation matrix that corresponds to the Offset and multiply the transformation matrix of the object with this new matrix.
But then, from this transformation matrix I have for each object, HOW DO I FIND THOSE COORDINATES IN ABSOLUTE:WORLD ???
To be honest, I am sure I saw a method for that when I was studying maths but I can not remember the method, neither find my notes about it…
Please help !
Best regards.
P.S. : to those who think this has nothing to do with OpenGL, I just say : “You’re right !”.